Introduce Yourself : Good morning! by Amanda Kinsey

Amanda Kinsey

Good morning!

Hi! My name is Amanda and I'm an independent filmmaker currently in production on the documentary "Jews of the Wild West." I'm a strong believer that storytellers should help amplify voices that may have been previously marginalized. I would love to hear from fellow creatives working on and representing documentary films. It is so inspiring seeing all the amazing work of this community. Excited to be here at Stage32.

Tasha Lewis


Emma Cavalier

Hi Amanda. I really enjoyed the clip of your documentary. Well done!

Amanda Kinsey

Thanks Emma!

Gilberto Villahermosa

"Jews of the Wild West"? Talk about an intriguing title. I want to know more!

Katherine De Bois

Amanda, I truly believe that storytellers and production have massive ability to change the cultural dialogue. Great mission

Amanda Kinsey

Thank you!

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