Hey fellow filmmakers,
I have started to actually use social media to share some of my personal work. Just me and my camera, experimenting different aspects of filmmaking. If you find the time I would love any feedback I can get. My experimental testing can be found on my YouTube channel here https://youtube.com/channel/UCgs-3-q9sIGmMArbGvAkYkw
Feel free to share your work with me as well.
Cheers, Joel
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I only had a chance to watch Who Are You: Very intriguing, stylistic, well choreographed and directed - but opens way to slowly. Just my opinion.
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Thanks Doug. Appreciate your time and feedback. I agree with what you're saying, next film I'll work on a more interesting paced intro. I'll check out your work and offer feedback if I can find it. Cheers
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You won't find 'my work' anywhere because my work now is producing a modest cable show designed to showcase the work of up-n-coming independent filmmakers such as yourself. What I call 'pay it forward' as my retirement hobby.
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No worries, explains why I couldn't find it. I like the sound of what you're doing.