Thank you, Dani Bravo from Spain did it. I just realize this version doesn't have the credits of sound design. I feel bad because he is really talented!
Very nice. I liked a lot of the fast paced stuff. I personally am not so fond of the slowmo stuff but what threw me off is the was when the guy got kicked back and hit a fall mat behind him that I don't see any reason to be there. A broken fake drywall would had been better along with some better makeup of the stab wound. But I do understand if this was a previz or test.
Other than that again really nice job. I know action is hard to shoot and do well since it requires a choreography of the actors and camera operators. Then it requires a good editor who can keep up with the pace of the action and use the confusion of a fight to it's advantage.
Hi Maurice, my friend Brian Karinson and I are developing a show that has a lot of stunts and this was more like a test for that show. We decided to do this action scene testing camera movements, slow motion and different techniques, that's why you can see the pad instead of a wall and some details that are not fully in place.
The Fight Choreography/Acting is solid and believable.
I really like your Camera work and pushing the limits of the 180 rule.
The sound is good but could be bigger and bolder in the fight to match the slow motion visual effect.
If you do one visual element of embellishment, embellish the sound as the camera gets closer.
It could use one more edit after 32 secs to clip some very brief ( I noticed static
starts of the actors to get the shot). Once the action starts keep it moving unless the character stops.
The reaction (shot about 33 secs) of the white shirt does not fit for me as is, but it could be a character milestone or plot hurdle, so then I expect to hear a line of dialogue like "Get up." and/or see a gesture to come one or something because otherwise I expect to white shirt who is near the door to get out of there because he has already been bested and is hurt.
Good solid scene and thanks for sharing your work.
Thanks for your notes Rory
As a composer and sound designer, I have to say that I liked the sound design. Good job!
Thank you, Dani Bravo from Spain did it. I just realize this version doesn't have the credits of sound design. I feel bad because he is really talented!
Very nice. I liked a lot of the fast paced stuff. I personally am not so fond of the slowmo stuff but what threw me off is the was when the guy got kicked back and hit a fall mat behind him that I don't see any reason to be there. A broken fake drywall would had been better along with some better makeup of the stab wound. But I do understand if this was a previz or test.
Other than that again really nice job. I know action is hard to shoot and do well since it requires a choreography of the actors and camera operators. Then it requires a good editor who can keep up with the pace of the action and use the confusion of a fight to it's advantage.
Hope it helps.
it's cool but to be honest, it's just an example of spectacle. Read Arisotle to learn why that is problematic!
what else is film but an example of spectacle?
I like the big screen because i don't need to wear my spectacles to see it...
Entertaining and suspenseful!
beautiful, great blocking will executed
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Thank you guys for the feedback!
What movie is this from, Diego? "Dog Tags"?
What is the movie about?
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Hi Maurice, my friend Brian Karinson and I are developing a show that has a lot of stunts and this was more like a test for that show. We decided to do this action scene testing camera movements, slow motion and different techniques, that's why you can see the pad instead of a wall and some details that are not fully in place.
Reasonably well blocked & choregraphed with some good camera movement but without knowledge of the story...the scene is pointless.
Doug I think the point was to get feedback about the action in the scene
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Is good to have feedback in anyway, the action, things that I'm missing and mistakes, this is a test, so I'm getting better for the real ones.
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The Fight Choreography/Acting is solid and believable.
I really like your Camera work and pushing the limits of the 180 rule.
The sound is good but could be bigger and bolder in the fight to match the slow motion visual effect.
If you do one visual element of embellishment, embellish the sound as the camera gets closer.
It could use one more edit after 32 secs to clip some very brief ( I noticed static
starts of the actors to get the shot). Once the action starts keep it moving unless the character stops.
The reaction (shot about 33 secs) of the white shirt does not fit for me as is, but it could be a character milestone or plot hurdle, so then I expect to hear a line of dialogue like "Get up." and/or see a gesture to come one or something because otherwise I expect to white shirt who is near the door to get out of there because he has already been bested and is hurt.
Good solid scene and thanks for sharing your work.
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Thanks Paul
Rory, scene blocking & choreography have nothing to do with action?
Doug, saying the scene is pointless without a story is giving feedback on a fight scene?
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Hi Diego, nice work
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Loads of fun! Actors are great. I liked it a lot. That said there is a room for finesse.