Introduce Yourself : Kate Barnett by Kate Barnett

Kate Barnett

Kate Barnett

Hello! I'm an Actor, Producer, UPM, based in Orange County, California. Just wrapping up Post on a feature length film.

Jose Eduardo Penedo

Welcome Kate Barnett ! Let us know when we can see your feature!

Bernie Rosa


Emma Cavalier

Congrats Kate! I can't wait to see more about your upcoming film.

Kelly Namey

Hey Kate, How satisfying that must be! Congrats and enjoy your weekend!

Justin Van Der Mark

Congrats! That's awesome to hear!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Kate. How are you? What genre is your feature film?

Pj Perez

Hi Kate Barnett ! I'm also based in the O.C. Would be great to hear more about your film!

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