Introduce Yourself : LA Based Writer-Direct and sometimes producer. Lovely to connect with one and all. by Marco Alejandro Santiago

Marco Alejandro Santiago

LA Based Writer-Direct and sometimes producer. Lovely to connect with one and all.

Hello everyone - Nice to connect with you. I'm currently developing a female-driven action-thriller Latinx diversity project for television in which the female lead plays a repo pilot and I'm also in the process of adopting a biography novel as a feature. My last project was as producer of a feature crime drama called WATER & POWER, developed at the Sundance Feature Film Labs. I wish all of you luck and inspiration.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Marco Alejandro Santiago! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you! Wow, congrats on your projects, they sound fun! I'm curious - what kinds of collaborators are you looking to meet? By genre or by function? By mission or by location?

Actually, have you met my friend Luis? He is also a Director/Writer in LA - I think you two might hit it off!

I’m sure you’ve already discovered the Screenwriting Lounge (, but I'd LOVE for you to post/comment in the Filmmaking Lounge as well! Maybe you could start a conversation about your experience at the Sundance Feature Film Labs?

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect! And, of course, feel free to reach out at any time. Cheers!

Marco Alejandro Santiago

Hi Karen - my sincere apologies for the delayed response. I'm only now noticing your response to my post. I must have missed an email notification. Anyway, to answer your question. I'm looking for production managers in the LA area to help me shoot a short called THE EMPATH, a noirish crime-drama that I'd like to shoot sometime in the fall as a proof of concept for an indie feature or TV series. I also have another short that I'd like to shoot in Texas called CHILD NARCO. Anyway, I'm looking to collaborate with producers. As for my experience with the Sundance Labs, I'd be happy to post my experiences. Looking forward to chatting with you soon. :)

David C. Velasco

Good luck to you Marco!

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