Introduce Yourself : Greeting from Massachusetts by Meghan Avery

Meghan Avery

Greeting from Massachusetts

Hello everyone.

My name is Meghan, and I'm an inspiring video editor, screenwriter, and filmmaker.

I also have been doing some writing on and off over the years. About 6 years ago, I wrote my first film script and last year was hoping to film it finally, but sadly that didn't happen. I still hope to film it one day. I have also written some of my own spec scripts to see if I could and wrote a script for a show spin-off that I know would go nowhere. I have a few others I had been writing that aren't quite finished but hope to finish.

My true passion is video editing. There has always been something about the different techniques and how tv shows get edited together that I love. I hope to one day to be able to work in post-production for television. For right now been creating youtube videos and working on a youtube channel.

I look forward to connecting with others here.

Jose Eduardo Penedo

Great to meet you Meghan! Make sure you connect with lots of people here and make use of Stage 32's great resources, they'll surely help you find your voice and a path!

Carlo Tosini

Welcome Meghan, hope you will find friends and lot of contacts for future

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Meghan. Pleasure to meet you.

David Heavener

Welcome Meghan. I'm seeking an editor for a gig. Email if you're available.

Shannon Kaeding

Welcome Meghan! Nice to "e-meet you!"

James Welday

Hi Meghan, nice to meet you! Writing and film editing have always been my creative outlets, as I feel they're both the first and final draft of a project. Happy to network!

Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Edward Zeimis

Hi, Meghan. If your true passion is editing, I'd love to see you showcase that on your profile. Try putting together a demo reel that highlights your approach to focus and pacing. If you don't have something yet, get out and shoot something (even if it's an action sequence with an iPhone). Or better yet, go edit for David!

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