Screenwriting : Written pitch by John Theroux

John Theroux

Written pitch

97% of sessions already booked so I can't use Stage32.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Don't be silly! They are always adding new pitch sessions!

John Theroux

If you look at pitch sessions, there is one skype (animation), and five written, but nothing for drama or

John Theroux

or comedy. My question is, is this normal?

Craig D Griffiths

Or do research and find films that have a similar look/feel/audience to your script. Then go on IMDB and see how many have a good listing there. Then reach out to the producers and see if they are interested in making another film in the genre and would be willing see what you have to offer.

I have never pitched here. Are they buyers or is it to develop your pitch skills?

Cannon Rosenau

I feel like the pitch sessions used to be more available than they have been lately.

Ewan Dunbar

Pitch sessions come up pretty regularly so a session with slots available should be available again soon.

Monica Mansy

Hi, John Theroux I would definitely keep checking back for upcoming pitch sessions. Also, if you’re wondering which exec would be the best fit, in terms of genre and format of your script, please reach out to Jason Mirch ( He’s a great resource!

Jill A. Hargrave

For pitch sessions and industry reports, reach out to Nick Assunto ( He's ax mine of information and can help you find the write exec for your project. Pitch sessions are posted on a regular basis so once you have a list of the execs you like for your screenplay, then just keep checking to see when they get listed.

Louisa Kendrick Burton

Pitch sessions get added all the when the executive opens up a new batch. It happened to me and then a month later I checked and there were spots.

Martin Reese

Lots of pitch sessions and opportunity are opening all the time. Don't despair. Use the interim to perfect your craft and pitch. There is always a way to look at these in a positive way.

Karen "Kay" Ross

There are so many things you can do while you're waiting to pitch - completing your profile would be a good start, including your loglines is another, and you can still get on a call with your executive of choice with a consultation (which in some ways is better because then you have more time to ask questions and have them read your script).

John Theroux

Kay, I will do my profile and loglines, but could you expand on what you mean by "get on a call with your executive of choice with a consultation"? Do you mean if and when I sign up for a written pitch with said executive of choice?

John Theroux

Thank you all for your helpful comments and suggestions. What a welcoming site this is! And I will be in touch with Jason Mirch and Nick Assunto. Nick already explained to me the 2-pager limit and that the number of words on those two pages is irrelevant. I will keep checking the available slots to find an executive who specializes in Drama and/or Comedy.

Karen "Kay" Ross

One of Stage 32's Script Services is Script Consulting, which would allow you to choose an executive to read your script and follow up with a phone call:

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