Hello everyone, I am new to the screenwriting scene but very excited to get my work out there. I'm 39 and most of my professional career has been in the fitness and sports industry until recently moving over to SEO marketing and website specialization. I have always had an active imagination and what I perceive as a "knack" for comedy ( I know comedy is subjective ). I have only written 3 scripts currently, but so far all 3 have been received well and have placed well in contests. I am looking to learn so much more from a community like this and to garner friendships throughout the industry. I'm always looking for someone to chat with about ideas or anything else so if you would like just add me to your network and maybe we can work on a project together?
Hello, Aray thank you very much for the warm welcome and the advice, I will look into those things.
Welcome @Robert this is the place for hooking up with like minded artists and Aray’s already given you the user friendly tips on navigating the best way around site.
Wow, three already, with good feedback and placing in contests! my goodness! You're in a great place here with Stage32. Start pitching! If you're looking for writer's community, think of joining the writer's room. Maybe I'll 'see' you there!
Welcome, Robert! Pleased to meet you.
@Barry heh heh, yep Welcome to the Hotel California. Check out any time but never leave!
Welcome aboard, Robert! Congrats on writing three scripts; that's amazing! Stage 32 is a great place to grow in the craft and meet other creatives. I would definitely jump in the lounges (just like you're already doing). Also, your profile allows you to add loglines for your scripts. That's just a super easy way to help others find your loglines, rate and review them (and exec's are always on this site too!). It helped me firm up some of mine. I've also sent in my script for Industry notes (under the "Script Services" tab) and it was PRICELESS. If you think your script is ready for an exec's eyes, you can find development and script services under the same tab with execs in the industry from Universal, MGM, Mandalay Pictures, HBOMax and many others. If you're wondering which exec is best for your project, Jason Mirch (j.mirch@stage32.com), the Director of Script Services here on Stage 32 is excellent at matching your script with the right exec. Jason's also a great help with career questions and can get you in to the Writers' Room for a free month. Pro tip: check it out... pitches, script coverage and so much more happens there every week!