Introduce Yourself : Hi by Colette Jeffs

Colette Jeffs


Hi, my names Colette. I'm usually more of a reader than a poster but I thought why not.

I'm originally from the UK but live in Toronto, Canada. I've worked in different capacities at a few production companies over the years and written/produced a few things in my spare time. But with the joy of the pandemic and my kids all now being in school (albeit virtually right now), I decided to take the leap and try to follow the dream of writing full time.

Amanda Toney

Colette - I am so grateful you stepped out of the shadows to introduce yourself. I just watched THE HUNT and, wow, what an awesome story. Spencer Estabrooks was a great director on your work! I tried tagging him here to let him know but I don't see him in the Stage 32 community - hopefully we can change that, but please pass that along to him. I'm excited you're going after your writing full time. It looks like you've written in different genres, but is horror/suspense your favorite?

Colette Jeffs


I would say Fantasy / Sci-Fi and Horror are my favourite genres to write. Plus the ability to combine them is a great plus.

B A Mason

Welcome to Stage32 and welcome to Canada!

I never thought I'd see the words 'joy' and 'pandemic' in the same sentence. You've joined the right network here, among an immense population of creatives and cinephiles that'll happily help you with your transition into Screenwriting.

And with major Film hubs in Vancouver and Toronto, and with plenty of incentive tax credits, Canada's a great place for fledgling Filmmakers to come and get creative. Cheers!

Mariannjely Marval

Hi Colette! Welcome to the site! Happy to read you are following your passion, you got this :)

Colette Jeffs

Hopefully 'joy of the pandemic' came across as sarcastic - sorry that's the Brit in me.

Dan Davis

Hey, ex-Brit! I definitely got the sarcasm, us Brit's love it :)

James Welday

Welcome, Colette! Following your dream is a great feeling!

Shemar James

Colette Jeffs Nice to have you apart of the community. Very cool background of experience.

I would definitely check out some of these lounges:

I also find the education to very helpful:

If you have questions on who may be the best person to connect with on any of your scripts, Stage 32's director of script services, Jason Mirch at can point you in the right direction. Also feel free to let me know if you are looking for anything in particular and I can try and point you in the right direction!

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