Introduce Yourself : Action Steps by Danielle Boone

Danielle Boone

Action Steps

Hey guys, I'm Danielle Boone affectionately known as "Bird". This is my first time participating in the Introduce Yourself Weekend. I have been a bystander, watching (reading) and taking a few workshops, but was hesitant about saying much. I have a been a behind the scenes girl for so long, that I didn't realize I was afraid to been seen. I'm fresh off a "writer's retreat" with my team and was challenged to step out (hence the  title for my post "Action Steps"). I have worked on many small tv/film productions and for the last 8 years as a production coordinator for live concerts & events, but transitioning back into my first love TV/FILM. I haven't stopped writing, and am working on developing a series right now. Just wanted to start "connecting" again. This was my first Action Step, the next one is coming soon. 

What Action Steps are you taking to get closer to your goal?

Jessica O'Donnell

Hi Danielle... Now that my feature screenplay is finished, the next step is to pitch it. I also continue to work on script analysis by reading for contests and film festivals would love to get into consulting, as you do.

Danielle Boone

Glad to meet. you Jessica! Sending you good vibes for that pitch ;)

Steffany Lohn Sommers

Hi Danielle, glad you stepped out :) During last month's IYW, I met a fantastic individual who has now become my first time writing partner (yes, I'm talking about you, Shiv!). That was an action step I never saw coming, lol, but now I am writing in a genre I would have never attempted on my own, super cool. Hope you keep connecting and checking off those action steps!

Katherine Alva Cerulean

Great to meet you, Bird! My next step is to write 5 awesome things this year. Congrats on taking your next step!

Danielle Boone

That is awesome! Glad to meet you Katherine and thank you for sharing :)

Dan Davis

Hey Bird, nice to meet you! Well done on stepping out and introducing yourself, every action step is one step closer to the end goal.

I had a call from a production company Friday that were interested in optioning one of my scripts. They were great, but it wasn't the right fit for me so I didn't go with it. Got to stay true to what I wrote. The step I REALLY need to take it to work harder at putting it out there, they came to me this time, but I need to start reaching out more.

Good luck with your work!

Danielle Boone

Thanks Dan, and nice to meet you. I’m with you in stepping out more. This small step was a good move and I’m glad I made it. Look forward to connecting more.

Jess Waters

Hi, Bird! It's great to put yourself out there because you never know what great people you can meet. One of the best action steps I can suggest is to apply for free fellowships that usually crop up in the spring. This is such a great way to write fresh things, craft your bio/loglines/letters of interest, and start off your year feeling motivated. I also want to write another pilot and feature this year and direct a short film by the end of 2021.

Danielle Boone

Good tip Jess! Nice to meet you

Jaye Adams

Amazing! Lovely to meet you Danielle and I know what you mean, I wanted to really make an effort to engage this Introduce Yourself weekend because I slip into my own head and projects and away from the world too easily! Great to connect and looking forward to seeing more of you!

Danielle Boone

Action Step 2... completed a bio/backstory for my main character. Also tightening up the logline & synopsis this week. (Kinda doing this backwards because I have a draft of the pilot, but been sitting on this project for a couple years and time to get it going. Lol) #progress

Monica Mansy

Hi, Danielle! Kudos to you for stepping out! I joined the Writers’ Room here on Stage 32 last year and it’s made a world of difference for me. I’ve learned so much about the craft and business side of writing. From pitching, to script coverage, table reads, talks with working executives and so much more, there’s no place quite like it. I think you’d love it. If you wanna try it out for a free month, drop Jason Mirch (, the Director of Script Services, a quick line. We’d love to have you!

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