Introduce Yourself : Hi everyone by Omar Munoz

Omar Munoz

Hi everyone

I'm Omar and I just joined. I'm excited to be here and I'm looking forward to hopefully connecting with all of you. I'm an actor working on getting my big break and I'm also working on a script I'd like to pitch in the future to a big network or movie studio!

Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hello Omar. 20 years as a pro dancer! I would say that you should get your logline up on your bio page, and as soon as you're comfortable, add more info about the script (a one-sheet and synopsis). If you're looking for reallly affordable lessons on screenplay writing, joing the Writer's Room. There are 2 years worth of amazing lesson and interviews with exectives, plus the weekly meetings create a real sense of community support. Welcome to Stage32!!

Samantha Lee

Good luck with the script, I'm working on my first ever script so good to connect up with others in the same position

Omar Munoz

Thank you everyone

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