So here I am, a little over a year later when I jumped into screenwriting. With two script requests and one script under consideration with several, I'm grateful that I've gotten that far. I see the crazy town for what it is, odds worse then any Vegas casino game, even if they ask for it or put it under consideration.
I also know that even if more than a few, in fact several, show interest it still doesn't mean a thing. It just means, maybe. But where I'm at with the maybe, I know others haven't even gotten that far and thus I'm grateful even though it's just a maybe.
It's the maybe that keeps me at it all, keeps me thinking the impossible could just happen. No one knows the future but when a fish nibbles you wait for it to bite or you throw your line in with new bait. I wonder if I'll ever run out of bait. Guess I'll have to keep at it and see if I get passed maybe.
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I hear your lament. It is tough slogging. When i first arrived in Hollywood my mentor told me plan on ten yearsbut keep on your screenwriting. Ten years later I'm an awardee of three amazing fellowships, have a great rep and a pilot optioned and in development for a first look at a major. The "impossible" will happen. Just keep writing your heart is the key. Writing and learning. By that virtue, you'll be the last one standing and make a living from your art. Right now failure is your friend. Laern all you can from it. Btw this is an awesome podcast on screenwriiting to listen to:
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Hey Augusto thanks and cheers to your success. I have to say I get pukey over the 10 year stories. My attitude is if they aren't digging what I'm throwing then okay off to other horizons. For now their word is they are digging it because I'm at a declared maybe. I hate the word "failure" I'm not at failure, I'm at maybe.
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Maybe is much better than NO!
And better than the Development Executive driving to your house, throwing the script on your porch, dousing it with gasoline and setting it on fire, then ringing your doorbell and driving away.
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I like " But where I'm at with the maybe," and the fishing reference. Saltwater fisherman here. When a fish nibbles you better be ready to set that beast with a hard pull on the next run. Sounds like you are already keeping your bait tank full. :)
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It would be a game of chance if talent wasn’t involved. What you are experiencing is the results of hard work, not luck.
You should rejoice in any movement of the needle. People that say it is nothing “call me when you have a six figure deal” are the same people that have nothing to show. Misery loves company.
Begin thinking about producing and making your film yourself to greaten the odds in your favor. Much of what you need is available and accessible these days. How would it feel to no longer wait or ask permissions to release your creations; to be fully accountable, yet fully empowered.
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Keep in touch and let us know of any progress? maybe is better than a no.
I see the tide turning where most people are back to having fun and being positive. Thank you to all who responded with fun and positive messages I really enjoyed them. I wish that for everyone but I know that wish in our universe will never come true. See that? I 'm a realist but still taking my shot in the dark in the carnival of life where even when the game feels rigged you still just might win the prize pinned to the wall in front of you.
WRITER: "Universe, why do I have to wait?
UNIVERSE: "I'll wait with you."
WRITER: "Okay, I just do it, then?"
UNIVERSE: "I'll do it with you."
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While it's a well known axiom that Hollywood kills with kindness, don't fall into the trap of black and white thinking. All those tiny wins add up in time and eventually snowball.
Play the odds too. You can come at this with a lottery mindset or a pragmatic mindset.
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The great thing is that it's possible! As Neil Gaiman says, "Keep moving toward the mountain ..."
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If this is your dream and this is who you are, you will never run out of bait, because YOU are the bait. The oceans are vast, fish are innumerable, and fish have to eat to survive. Keep fishing.
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Congrats, WL! You’ve kept at it and your hard work has paid off. I agree with CJ, those are all wins! Keep forging ahead and enjoy it all!
Thanks again everyone! It's so good to see so many positive comments, once again. It really feels that we are all turning a corner here and I for one am super glad to see it. Cheers to all of us who take a shot at the impossible that is only possible if you take a shot at it.