Amy Gray

Amy Gray


Pueblo, Colorado

Member Since:
October 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Amy

I've been wanting to tell these stories for some time, and in January 2020 something came over me and said DO IT NOW. So here I am. I've completed three screenplays, Cuz, Cuz. A mostly true story, bANAL and Spiderwing. All available on my Stage 32 profile :) I've got more scripts bubbling forth and it feels SO nice to be creative. The only thing I've made up to this point is two kids and trouble. I've lived long and hard enough thus far to have experienced bits of heaven and hell... so it's time to share. I hope audiences laugh, gasp and laugh some more when they enjoy my stories. I absolutely LOVE movies. The collaborative art form of film is breathtaking and overwhelming. Let's go see a movie!!! Or binge a season!!! ;)

Unique traits: Mom, Healer, Demon Slayer, Writer, Adventurer, Big Lover, Extraordinaire <3




  • Cuz, Cuz.   A mostly true story.

    Cuz, Cuz. A mostly true story. Comedy Drama An odd pair of soulmate cousins wade through life’s horrors with laughter and booze until a dark corner turns worse when he suffers a stroke. Will she put him out of his misery as agreed, or watch him waste away in post stroke hell? 

  • bANAL

    bANAL Other Comedy In a WWIII parallel universe of sexual warfare, a hell flaming drill sergeant Drast trains his elite US forces to remain the most powerful FUCKERS in the world. Alas, a giddy gay German allied with the world and his army of Drag Queens; try to destroy him.

  • Spiderwing

    Spiderwing Animation A gang of superhero spiders adventure through multidimensional portals via electric breeze, weaving reality and maintaining universal balance.


    SPECIAL Comedy Drama A seasoned educator toils with the harrowing highs and lows of special needs teens at her new job. Will she give up, or survive and become the champion they need.


    SPIRIT Other Drama A  shattered single mom considers taking her AND her children's lives. The unseen realms interrupt and guide her to the practice of shamanism, cracking open her spiritual light and darkness to heal all wounds. 

  • True Love

    True Love Romance Comedy When two lonely ready people meet, their unfolding bliss could power the sun. Will their journey of falling in love stand the tests or will their insecurities and broken histories tear them down? 

  • I Killed Nazis

    I Killed Nazis Drama A 95yr old WWII vet relives Battle of the Bulge survival through his memorable life. Will his trauma from the war or impending dementia keep him from telling his story, or will it survive?

  • Gays of Our Lives

    Gays of Our Lives Drama Comedy A community of bitches that keep us in stitches and a few tender loving tears share their literal soap opera lives with us. Get addicted to the fab camp roller coaster about to Dynasty slap you silly.

  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre Historical Drama The 1914 uprising of marginilized coal miners vs. the Rockefellers degrades into the Ludlow Massacre of 66 men women and children. Federal labor laws result. 

  • Crossings

    Crossings Thriller Three lovers aboard a sailboat travel the world living the life of paradise. Their indulgences develop into murder until one in the triangle attempts to end their sick game and survive. 


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