What an outstanding class. I'm already thinking of my current screenplay differently. I now realize why I keep getting stuck and I get why I'm getting some of the comments I've gotten from script coverage. I have not fully fleshed out the character and I haven't come up with the theme.
Oh, I'm only the third person here? I'm sorry it has taken time to get on here. I would like to get to know more about each person in our group. Keeps me going! I am currently working on a screenplay about Spain and the American Revolution. Everyone knows about France but are completely unaware of Spain's contribution or about the powerful Galvez family who made it happen. Gov. General Bernardo de Galvez (whom Galveston, TX is named for) opened trade on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers to keep supplies going to the Americans, leading to the climax of the story, a naval battle to take Pensacola (Florida) and thus cutting of British trade route to supply the war. With Pensacola down Bernardo wrote a communique to Washington with the news that the war is next to won. with Yorktown taken immediately thereafter. Would love to hear about others. Patty
Love Doug's class. It has helped me unblock myself in many ways. After doing 10 years of research on and off, I would like to make everything too historical. I get what I need to do now! I've made it too complicated trying to fill the script with history.
Glad to meet you Patricia M Boardman. I missed last nights class. I haven't had power since 5:30 pm Wednesday.
Good to see everyone in class. Our last class is this Thursday! It has been very helpful. Love the structure directions from Doug. Really insightful. I will miss having the class. But eager to apply what we've learned to the next screenplay.