A producer needs to be a jack of all trades, but let's face it: there's always going to be some things we enjoy more than others. What's yours? Is it the thrill of finding the perfect story to adapt, or the excitement of reading that script you've been searching for? Are you a numbers person who enjoys cracking the puzzle of a tricky schedule or budget? Is it being on set? The joy of seeing everything come together in the edit, or getting into a festival you've always wanted to screen at?
My favorite moments are those just before you get the green light, when you have the reward of seeing all your previous hard work come together and the anticipation of what you're going to create with your crew to look forward to. And I do like a good spreadsheet...
What keeps you moving forward?
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My favorite part, is pulling the ingredients together to make a story soup. Then as I add ingredients like actors who are spicy, and directors who are bold flavored combined with crew that thickens the soup ...and getting to savor the final product - well, I guess I would say, the whole thing!
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My favorite part is getting to engage people and the other is seeing the work that we did
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Cherelynn. I am one of your spicy actors! Lol. Seriously though, great analogy!
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When you accidentally create a masterpiece…
My favorite part of the filmmaking process is the writing. I love telling a good story. But I also like the other parts of film, as well. Putting a cast and crew together and having a good time making the film is very important. I love the great team chemistry that can develop on the set and in post-production. So, yeah, I love it all.
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I love everything about the pre-pro process and the production process. not so much post. I've just never been so good at it, that's why I delegate to people I trust.
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Getting all the cats herded up!
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I like all phases of production. What I don't like is when filmmakers hire me too late. As earlier in production as better.
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Distribution by far!