Do you keep your work in progress a secret or tell everyone you know what you're working on? Some writers feel pressure when constantly asked "how is your book coming along?" while others find it motivating to have some peer accountability.
At what level do you prefer to tell others about your work in progress?
(Me--I keep each writing project of my own fairly private until at least the second draft is done.)
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Hi Tess!
Love your vibe!
I always keep my writing on super lockdown until it's done done.
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I'm one of those that shares too much about the projects I'm working on. Not plot points but if I commit to writing it I tend to try and add accountability on my Social Media presence otherwise I won't write them...I'll only say "I'm working on xyz" once I know I'll most likely finish it :D
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Yes, I am finding it more and more important for my productivity and sanity to keep everything under my hat, it's a long road and I need the privacy to just stay focused, although as I develop more friendships here and with other writers it is super helpful to have a tribe of like-minded people I can connect with, as opposed to local friends and family who find me eccentric and guarded.
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Regardless of the progress on any project, I only talk about them if I'm asked - except to my family.
To them I spout every little accomplishment, even if it's only, "Hey, I wrote 10 words today!" I'm sure they're sick of hearing about it, but, hey, that's what family is for, am I right? :)
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I share very little, tbh. My writing circle is small, consisting really of only 1 person that I feel is interested. He's busy with his own work, so listening to me drone on about ideas and projects probably isn't on his agenda. Otherwise, I only talk about what I'm working on here (Stage 32) and only after I've started the screenplay.
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We lit each other up, smoke rings imperiously high, she pulled my arm down & we got in whisper tight, 'so have you any say in who stars in your screenplay?'
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Honestly, it depends on the degree to which my investment in the project hinges on the interest of other people. I really don't write things "just for me," but if I don't need anyone else to be satisfied with where the script is going... I try not to talk to people until I can offer them a paycheck. If I need help getting there, then I'll make sure I've got all the tools I need to command their confidence.
Mostly, a writer asks me how my work is coming along because they're looking for permission to talk about their own work. Honestly, I'm fine with that - and I just assure those people that I'm doing well and that we can proceed with the pitch. People need permission to express their enthusiasm and passion, and giving them that generally helps make the community stronger. Nobody needs to fein support for me, in order to get the best of what I have to offer. Everyone gets the best version of me that I can afford to give, and how much I can afford to give will always have something to do with how much that person is putting back into the community. As a rule, urging me to listen while they tell me about something they're passionate about is rarely too big an ask.
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I share on my personal social media page, because it helps me keep accountable. I look at the last time I posted something, how far along I've gotten since then and it pushes me to write more. If it don't, I end up going towards an "out of sight; out of mind" frame and don't get anything done.
Since I generally don't have a deadline I have to work towards, these posts help keep me motivated. But after a draft is done, I don't need to do updates on when I'm doing re-writes or anything else, because those for whatever reason are easy for me to get motivated and done, whereas a first draft is just tough, IMO.
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Sometimes I share it on social media, hoping to find additional followers of my work. Other times, I share it with fellow authors or beta readers.
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I don't really share it. Only if I'm asked but generally, I'm a person who prefers to share stuff when everything is done.
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A very cool balance of both worlds here, and there are more secret writers than I thought! There is something to be said about keeping the energy of a project close while it's in it's beginning stages, just remember the Stage32 community is here for it's writers and to help whenever we can. Love all the support! =)
As late into the process as possible LOL Once others know about it, it takes a lot of the wind out of my sails, unless they are being brought on as collaborators.