Storyteller Travis Miller talk in this article about the future of licensed tabletop role-playing games and how RPGs can be part of a solid transmedia strategy. Even if you're not familiar with RPGs, this article can be very insightful for anyone interested in transmedia.
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For those who don't know me, I already wrote an article here on Stage 32 about how tabletop RPGs can help you create a TV show, but this extends to transmedia projects too and ties with Travis Miller's article on LinkedIn.
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Tabletop RPG's are amazing transmedia starters! I said during our podcast episode and I'll say it again! It's literally forces you to write a transmedia bible
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Some of my best characters have been created on pen and paper RPGs and lived on in their own stories across screenplays and comics.
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That's very interesting HB, we should chat about it. What were your favourite pen & paper RPGs?
The gaming industry in all its forms, from table-tops to video games, is the future of entertainment. It brings people together to share a common goal or foe or quest. That bond is different than in any other type of entertainment except sports. ONWARD TO THE FUTURE!!!
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Christian Nommay I loved playing Cyberpunk (can't remember if it was the original or Cyberpunk 2020) and Dungeons & Dragons. Two of my characters and have moved on to other stories of mine. It's cool to develop them naturally with gameplay sessions, then add your ideas as they evolve in your mind.
I always had a soft spot for Cyberpunk 2020, but all my friends prefered at that time to play Shadowrun instead. I loved RPGs so much, that I eventually created and published one myself.