Introduce Yourself : Popping in to say hello! by Joretta Morris

Joretta Morris

Popping in to say hello!

Hello, I've been on here for a while, but this is my first time posting. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I'm Joretta and am an emerging television writer though I plan to write a feature soon. Before this, I was writing articles online about television shows, movies, fashion, and diversity. I look forward to networking with you all, and I thank you for this space!

Anthony Moore


Tina Marie Johnson Author-Illustrator


Lindy Hudis

Hello, I'm new here, too! Just now learning the ropes, lol. Welcome!

Maurice Vaughan

Pleasure to meet you, Joretta Morris. What are your favorite genres to write?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Joretta Morris, and welcome to the community! So glad you decided to post! Congrats on your feature - what will you be writing about? Is there a genre you prefer writing?

Wow, I hope you're writing something that includes growing up homeless - I'd be interested to see more about that story! When I worked at a community college, I was surprised to find out that some of our students were homeless. Mind-blowing. There is a film out right now called "Flag Day" that includes some aspects of teen homelessness.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out the Screenwriting Lounge to meet like-minded creatives: Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

Joretta Morris

Thank you everyone! My favorite genres for tv are drama and dramedy. I'm still torn on which idea I want to start with in regard to my first feature.

Karen "Kay" Ross

You don't have to decide that ahead of time. Just dive into whatever interests you, and as you get feedback, you'll whittle it down to what it needs to be. Do you have a group of writers that keep you active and accountable?

Erik Meyers


Wayne Cothron

How are you doing

Evelyn Von Warnitz

That sounds very nice. Welcome, Joretta!

Maurice Vaughan

Joretta Morris, Drama and Dramedy are fun to write. They can be cheap to film (micro-budget and low-budget), which is attractive to producers, directors, and production companies.

Martin Reese

Welcome Joretta Morris

Michelle Payne

Hello Joretta

James Welday

Welcome Joretta Morris !! Look forward to networking with you.

Joretta Morris

Thanks everyone! And Karen "Kay" Ross not yet but I am working on it.

Karen "Kay" Ross

No worries, Joretta Morris! Stage 32 is a great place to meet people to build those accountability groups. If you're interested in joining the Writer's Room, definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who can send you a link for your first month free: The Writer's Room members host several "Writer's Cafes" where members can log on to a Zoom call for a block of writing time. It's been super helpful for accountability!

Then again, you can also start your own ;-) Gather your tribe here, and have fun!

Wayne Cothron

Where can I read your reviews Jorettta

I meant no disrespect with my last comment

Have a good day

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