Introduce Yourself : Hello fellow writers by Kezia Silva

Kezia Silva

Hello fellow writers

I have just joined Stage 32 after many months of consideration.

I am a Brazilian (aspiring) writer currently living in Germany, and whenever I am not doing my normal Monday to Friday job I am dabbling in the dark arts of creating people, places and stories out thin air into words on a page.

I have many projects in the back burner, but the main one is a series of books which I am currently writing based on my family history.

While my educational background is in Translation, I have done a specialization into psychoanalysis for personal reasons and realized that I came from an interesting narcissist family system. In order to survive with (most of) my insanity intact, I had to move nine thousand miles away and put an ocean between us.

With the distance came the ability to see how toxic they were (the whole trees and forest concept is real, folks) which led me to plan a book to tell my story on how I have done the cut off from their narcissistic asses.

One book became one, then became three, and now i am working on six books in parallel. There is a lot to juggle around, but it has been an interesting creative process, specially when I end up drafting scenes when I am on the phone with a client, just because the voices in my head simply can't shut up.

With the writing of this series came other ideas that I am outlining their plots, but at this point I just want to get everything first done on the page.

But we need to kill one lion a day, so let's finish Kintsugi series first, right?

Anyone here likes Latin family drama? Drop me a line so we can chat and exchange ideas.

Cheers and see you around.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Kezia Silva this is a very tangible focus and for sure family themes and psychology I believe is so very timely and relevant for us more than ever.

I share your interests and I am so glad to begin to hear of your adventures!

Our multifaceted psyche as writers we are able to subdivide and bring to the pages, carving away aspects of the intersubjective transference we experience in life and fulfilling characters

through our work that way, it is so powerful ...

sometimes it shapes us and then we can shape the work.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Kezia Silva, and welcome to the community! Wow, thank you for taking the time to consider Stage 32 for your community. Ah, dude, I feel ya. First off, kudos that you are writing about something so personal. No matter what, keep going, even if it's just for you! Second, I'd love for you to check out the Authoring Lounge - I think you'll meet more than a few like-minded creatives there!

Finally, I definitely know more than a few people on this site and in the industry that would LOVE to chat with you about Latin family drama, but with 750,000 members, it might take a while to find them. Have you considered hosting a virtual "meet-up"? If so, you could post about it here to connect: Not a sermon, just a thought ;-)

Richard "RB" Botto

Glad you dove in, Kezia. As we like to say around here, you gotta be in it to win it. And the most successful of our nearly 1 million members from over the last 10 years have one thing in common - they're active, visible, and contribute regularly. Hope to see you around town more often.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

RB, you can bet on it. Awesome creatives here, unstoppable posibilities. Once more thank you for your great work!

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely, Evelyn. Thank you for the kind sentiments.

Wayne Cothron

Welcome Kezia

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