So, let's try this out.
I hold a Bachelor in Translation in English and French, but written language has been my love my entire life.
After reading through everything my little fingers could reach, I started dabbling with writing until some of my usual close readers demanded that I start my own project.
As I grew up, my Dad shared the tales of his years as a lawyer and bureaucrat, and shortly after he became sick, he asked me to write his tales.
My current project started with my Dad's stories, and evolved with a planned six book saga which I am currently writing, editing and outlining.
The book is written in English, the setting is in Germany, Brazil and UK, and the whole things reads like Latin soap opera.
Besides the book projects, I am studying parallel projects on scripts that I am currently writing.
Quarantine has been busy.
Unique traits: writer baker of cakes violist
Kintsugi Biography Family is everything. Until one day, it isn't.
Carcara Drama He thought his prey was a dove. She was a carcara.
The fairies of Blueberries and other tales Family There is still magic out there. Just not where you were looking for it.
Tuesday Comedy S*** happens. Explosive s*** happens on Tuesdays. Now if Kia only can keep her idiot friends alive until sunrise, she will be happy. But she is not drunk nor high enough to handle either of them.