Introduce Yourself : Heather Black Singer/Songwriter/Up & Coming Actress by Heather Black

Heather Black

Heather Black Singer/Songwriter/Up & Coming Actress

Hello Everyone. I thought I would take a chance and introduce myself to everyone once more. I worked in the music industry professionally for several years and still songwriting. After loosing my thyroid to cancer I have decided to venture into the wonderful world of acting. I started taking lessons through TalentINC recently and really enjoyed my first class at acting Improv. What a great bunch of beautiful people. My only regret so far is that I didn’t do it sooner. I was a little over enthusiastic and nervous for my first class. Any advice from the pros would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Howard

Welcome to the network, Heather!

Thomas Pollart

Hi & welcome Heather !

Heather Black

Thank you everyone. Sincerely

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