Introduce Yourself : Getting closer to the dream! by Wade Cox

Wade Cox

Getting closer to the dream!

I have been pitching for a while, without success. During one of my most recent pitches to a Producer, he actually requested and read the script. He said that I held a lot of promise. He went to bat for me, but others in his company overruled him and he ended up not buying the script or optioning it, but that's as far as I have gotten before, so that's a definite positive.

Susan Joyce DuBosque

Wade Cox, I had a similar experience. It takes someone looking for your unique project. Keep writing and moving forward.

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on getting the script requested/read, Wade Cox. There are other producers/companies. :)

Angela Cristantello

Wade, that is a TREMENDOUS accomplishment all of its own! Congratulations to you!

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