Animation : Animation by Komal Bhadana

Komal Bhadana


Why animation field is hard ?

Bob Harper

That is a loaded question. What specifically do you find hard about the field? Getting a job, selling a show, getting a project produced, working for a studio?

The cliché is that if it were easy, then everyone would be doing it. That's kinda true.

Komal Bhadana

In animation field it's hard to getting a job and this feels so anxious.

Bob Harper

Expand your skills and try different areas of animation and software. Expand into graphic design and illustration. Keep creating your own content. Keep checking sites like Animation Magazine and do a job search on Linkedin and select Global/Remote, check this site out -

Getting work is frustrating, but you just keep trying.

Isaac David Quesada

It is frustrating but it is rewarding on the long run. You create universes from scratch. That is worth the anxiousness for me.

Komal Bhadana

Thanks a million , sir

Ralph Henriquez

What do you find hard, Komal?

Komal Bhadana

Everything is hard , I am following my passion but it's very hard to make a name in animation field .

I think I need a mentor who can help me to build my career in this field .

Ralph Henriquez

Well, it will take quite a bit of time to learn all aspects of animation. Do you want to do 2D animation? 3D animation? You're just going to have to have the patience to learn it. It's definitely not overnight.

Komal Bhadana

I want to do 3d animation and you are right sir , it's definitely not overnight , I will work hard to fullfill my passion .

Thank you sir

Kumar Sambhav

Komal Bhadana join animation mentor and you will realize how easy it is to get a job in animation,

Komal Bhadana

Thank you , sir can you help me to find a good mentor who can taught me good animation skills .

Kumar Sambhav

Komal Bhadana check out , Anim , If u finish any of these schools. Animation studios will run after. You. .

Komal Bhadana

Thank you for the help sir .

Kabrien Gathers

I feel the same way my friend. My animated series keeps getting shot down during these pitch sessions.

Komal Bhadana

I feel you .

Karen "Kay" Ross

Like all things, it just takes practice. Have you checked out any of Stage 32's webinars? There is one that helps you establish your beat sheet for an animated pilot that would be a great resource for you:

Komal Bhadana

Thank you for the help .

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