Introduce Yourself : Hello Everyone by Nicholas Catron

Nicholas Catron

Hello Everyone

My name is Nick and I just created this account. I started off writing short stories, graduated to novels and then through a crazy twist of fate, was asked to write a screenplay by someone I had gone to high school with who was working on a zombie tv show. From there, I was hooked and have since written a four or five short scripts, two features and am currently working on another. Would love to connect with other creatives. Hope everyone is safe and healthy in this crazy world.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Welcome here!

Nicholas Catron

Thank you very much!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Nicholas.

Nicholas Catron

Nice to meet you as well, Maurice.

Phoenix MacLeod

Good luck Nick, you'll pull it off.'ll look around and you'll ask yourself "How did I get here." It'll be the next big thing.

Nicholas Catron

Thank you Phoenix! I honestly believe exactly what you said!

Lauran Childs


William Joseph Hill

Welcome to Stage32, Nicholas! Good to meet you.

Mark Cabaroy

Life has a funny way to guiding you to various places. I'm never surprised at the connections you make along the way. Welcome Nick!

Nicholas Catron

Thank you Lauren, William, and Mark. I’d thank you individually but I can’t seem to figure out how to respond to each individually.

Allen Lynch

Welcome Nicholas & Good Luck!

Nicholas Catron

Thank you Allen!

Cherelynn Baker

Zombies are people too. Welcome to Stage 32!

Nicholas Catron

Indeed Cherelynn, and they should be treated as such. Thank you!

Happiness Mpase

Hello Nick. We are still safe. Pleased to e-meet you.

Nicholas Catron

It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Happiness.

Jason Mirch

Glad to have you here Nick! I’m the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. Feel free to reach out to me at any point at - always happy to help guide the next steps.

Melissa Spearman

Hi Nick. It's nice to meet you, and I'm looking forward to checking out your work someday.

Christian Nommay

Welcome to Stage 32, Nicholas! A pleasure to meet you.

Nicholas Catron

Thank you Jason, Melissa and Christian, I appreciate the welcome!

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