Screenwriting : Finished my script by Kathryn Wasson

Kathryn Wasson

Finished my script

I did it! I finished THE script. I am so excited. It's been hard one to write. It is a true story about my dad. He passed in 2015 and I owe it to him to write his story. I posted it on Script Revolution and The blck List. Wish me luck!!

Craig D Griffiths

Script Revolution - good move.

I lost my father two weeks ago. We would Facetime everyday as he was in care and Sydney is in a lock down and I couldn’t visit him. I would have liked to be with him when he passed. But the pandemic prevented that. He did tell me some great stories on those calls. I sad, but not grieving. He knew he was loved.

Well done. Time for script number two.

Kathryn Wasson

So sorry for your loss. It definitely leaves a hole, but carrying on their stories, keeps them alive!

Jim Boston

Kathryn, I wish you all the VERY BEST...and I'm looking forward to reading your script!

Matthew Parvin

Congrats, Kathryn. I'm sure it's wonderful. Now, what's next?

Kathryn Wasson

That is a great question! Any suggestions lol

CJ Walley

Truly hope Script Revolution gets you at least a step close to your dream, Kathryn. I'm sure your dad would be both honoured and proud of what you've achieved.

Jordan Jackson


Maurice Vaughan

Condolences, Kathryn. Condolences, Craig.

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