Introduce Yourself : Dipping my toe in by B.C. Bell

B.C. Bell

Dipping my toe in

Hello, I’m happy to meet all of you. I am procrastinating from my daily page count by deep-cleaning a BBQ grate. I’m sure there’s a metaphor somewhere about how I persist until everything is shiny-clean, but I’m not adroit enough to elegantly wrap that back into describing my work. Writer of scripts so spotless you can eat off of them? Or is that too much of a tell into my previous life writing ad copy?


When not cleaning, or bungling first impressions, I’m pecking out features and TV pilots in and around science fiction, historic and comedic genres, gavotting on the tightrope of entertaining myself versus writing something saleable. Nuttin’ to plug at the moment ‘cept for little ol’ me. And I’m always happy to chat, whether it’s about writing, cleaning, or any of the lesser facets of living!

P.S. I don’t really want to talk about cleaning.

Maurice Vaughan

How are you, B.C. Bell? Funny post!

B.C. Bell

Dang, this was my tragedy writing voice! Guess it needs a polish. ;-) (I am doing well, and thank you for the compliment! Hope you are doing well, as well!)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome. Maybe it's just the way I read your post that made it funny.

B.C. Bell

Sorry, I never know when to stop kidding around! It’s all good.

Tasha Lewis


Solange Plaza

Hahaha... happy cleaning!

Gary Jeanty

Hi, there my name is Gary Jeanty. I am from Miami, Florida. I am a Titanic Historian. After a few years with this incredible idea, I finally put this fantastic romantic story together on the maiden voyage on the Titanic. I am looking to collaborate with people from all walks of life with unique skills and positions to help me with my project. I am open to what you can bring to the table.

The Ship of Dreams is an epic romantic story about a Haitian and French ex-convict named Joseph Pierre. He was sent to prison for drunk driving; as a result, his father dies, and his sister is bound in a wheelchair. Joseph, a Black & Haitian convicted ex-con, found God, forgiveness, and hope during his time in prison. Joseph is an example of going thru hurt, loss, discrimination in his time in prison. After being released early from prison. He forms a strong relationship with his sister Tabatha. She loves her big brother. Tabatha tells Joseph a revelation from God that she is going to walk again. Despite a relationship with his mother, Joseph endures hate, judgment, and ridicule from her.

In this beautiful faith-based film of love, hope, and forgiveness, Tabatha befriends a physical therapist, but the one who can help her resides in Belfast. However, against her mother's wishes, Tabatha makes a trip to Belfast, Ireland, with her brother Joseph. In this beautiful story of hope, a woman living most of her life in a wheelchair once believed she would never walk again and thinks she would never find true love. Edward Goldmann, a Jewish & one of the Top Doctors in Ireland, is smitten over Tabatha. Joseph, an over-protected brother, must now endure his trip back to Haiti without his sister as she stays in Ireland to further her recovery. Now Joseph, with God's help, has to return home to a mother who hasn't spoken to him in years because of his past sins. The Ship of Dream is a story that will have you experience through these characters hope, forgiveness, love, faith, and lots of emotions. The best thing about this all this will boil down on the maiden voyage of the R.M.S. Titanic, the largest moving object ever built.

B.C. Bell

Thank you, Tasha Lewis!

B.C. Bell

Thanks, Solange Plaza. Now on to cooking. Which in turn will mean more cleaning. "It's the Ciiirrrcle of Liiiiife...."

B.C. Bell

Wow, thanks for sharing, Gary Jeanty. Looks like you've done a ton of research! Very inspiring.

Thomas Pollart

Maybe my protagonist is cleaning the BBQ grate along the outer edge of the pool deck, coastal Atlantic Ocean, twilight, when I notice a Cigarette speed boat, red, aimlessly drifting in with the tide. . ... . . ? PS, let me know when dinner is ready, I take my steak medium rare ?

B.C. Bell

Thomas Pollart The twist is the BBQ grate is only in the protagonist's mind.

Chastity Singletary

I like your sense of humor haha. Nice to meet you and welcome. I am Chastity. Published author and script writer. Currently working with my daughter (age 12) with her second script. She writes in fantasy/action. I think it's pretty cool to see how diverse she writes that differs from mines

B.C. Bell

@Chastity Singletary That's very kind of you, and what a doubly amazing set of accomplishments, to be a writer and mother to an aspiring writer! I finally got my teenage son to shave without any prompting and feel like I've conquered Everest, so passing on your joy of writing must feel like getting up to the moon!!!

Thomas Pollart

Our protagonist drags the speed boat ashore, near night fall now & notes it's driverless & full of individual, plastic wrapped packages & then the phone rings . Our protagonist checks himself, daydreaming, half asleep in front of his typewriter, it's his agent calling. ' Hello B.C., you about got that first draft finished for me ? '

Angela Cristantello

See, but I LOVE talking about cleaning.

...says the gal bursting through BC's front door. "It's a deeply calming activity for me. I feel at once at ease and absolutely in control. For once. It's nice." She stops in her tracks, takes a theatrical sniff of the air. "Pledge."

BC sits slack-jawed, trying desperately to find a respectable posture in a chair that suddenly feels like it's been lacquered with bacon grease. "Yeah. My mom always kept, like, 17 cans of this stu--"

"Cool great, so. Tell me about this boat, BC."


"The red boat. What do you know about it?"

B.C. Bell

"Red boat? Red boat? Lessee... (thumb thumb thumb) I gots here your 'Red October,' that's kinda a boat? Nah? Your 'Red Dawn,' gotcha a 'Red Heat,' there's just a plain 'Red' sittin' here; wait, there's a couple of 'em... now there's three... man, this is sloppy, they filed a French one in with the English... a 'Red Balloon,' you know, for kids, a 'Red Shoe'... no, wait, a 'Red Shoes'... hm... one's with a dude and the other's a ballerina, dunno what to make with that... a 'Notice' that just came in, a 'Thin Line,' but nothin' 'bout a boat here. Wish I could help ya more folks, but I gotta plane to catch.... yeah, you called it, the redeye."

Jonathan Kramer

Great post your initials stand for BBQ Cleaner? :) Signed, I.P. Frequently

B.C. Bell

The "Q" stands for "Quintuple Bypass," which probably speaks to the nature of the foods I BBQ. I have a rare talent of being able to "bacon wrap" past the three known dimensions.

Jonathan Kramer

Q?? I thought that had been reserved for Quincy Jones? Do they bacon wrap in the Twilight Zone? Inquiring minds WANT to know!

B.C. Bell

Back in my day, "Q" was reserved for British quartermasters and winged serpents! ;-)

Jonathan Kramer

And Silly Walkers too! We are the Knights who say NEE!

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome B. C. Bell.

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