Introduce Yourself : New production studio? by Tom Demar

Tom Demar

New production studio?

Hi all, I'm a writer, director, producer, composer in L.A. I'm excited about the possibility of creating a new micro LED production studio and I'm open to any and all suggestions. It would be like Blumhouse meets the latest technology, greenlighting content creators and producing high quality with a micro budget. Happy holidays!

Solange Plaza

Sounds really nice. Best of luck to you!

Vivek Singhania

Sounds Great! Do connect with me please. Would love to collaborate.

Tasha Lewis

Check out Stage Blogs for ideas.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Tom Demar. That type of studio sounds like a great idea. Micro-budget has many advantages.

Chad Newsome

Sounds like a great idea, I would love to partner with a small studio to create content. I have a nice group of actors and writers , wife is a writer, and I own a few cinema cameras and several lenses and lights. Would love to find out more.

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