Screenwriting : Blackout during Script writing!! by Kingsley Akatakpo

Kingsley Akatakpo

Blackout during Script writing!!

How many of us experience a rush of ideas and imaginations when typing our scripts, and suddenly in a flash they disappear?

That can be really painful!!

Kerson Raymond

When that happens..I usually stop… BrainDump everything on my cellphone's VOICE MEMO or NOTE that way I don't forget. It will take you 30sec to stop to dump your brain's ideas in your voice memo rather than keep writing to forget it all writing 2 sentences..

Mike Romoth

I keep pen and paper nearby for quick notes while I'm working on other things.

Gilberto Villahermosa

At home I keep a writing journal open on my computer where I record all my great ideas and lines that hear. When away from home I use my phone to either record or take notes. A writer should never be caught without a means to record a flash of inspiration!

Paskael Tyiska

Write everyday and like meditation train your mind to make creativity your new "Normal"

Chuck Varelas

Yes! That is why when I write, I put everything that pops into my mind, notes ideas, even personal to do lists! Then I come back and clean it all up but loosing good thoughts and ideas is like throwing money down the drain!

CJ Walley

This is why having a very fluid development process is important. Trying to write a script from page one with perfect prose is incredibly restrictive and having each side of our brain work against one another. We're trying to be logical and creative at the same time.

Pre-writing is incredibly powerful as it allows us to get all our ideas out like we're sketching and then go in to add detail later.

Doug Nelson

CJ - remember that it's only lefthanded people who are in their right mind. Sometimes the kid needs to get out to play.

Craig D Griffiths

I use my phone for nearly everything. So voice memos are common. Great way to get things down.

Or notes and hit the microphone on the keyboard and dictate

Richard Encarnacion, Mba, Ph.D.

Always, write ✍️ it down, carry a notebook with you at all time, and a pen, or your phone and notepad, or voice recorder. I’m writing a book to help people with their ideas. But simple tip, speak the idea

Evelyne Gauthier

Whenever I have an idea, I write it down on my cellphone immediately and send myself an email. That way, I always have a trace somewhere. Sometimes, it's just a simple sentence or a bunch of keywords, but it's sufficient for me to remember it. Then later, when I have time, I collect my ideas in files just for that.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

For sure, various times if I don't capture that fleeting idea, I have to reassure myself that it or a better one will come along again in the daily writing!

Robert Timsah

With android/iOS, you can do the voice dictation in most writing apps. Like this lol -

Debra Holland

Dictate notes into a dictation app on your phone!

Clayton Dudzic

I understand how that can happen. Typing your ideas out will only disappear. Grab some yellow pads, There is where your ideas can be written as well as the first draft. Keep writing out your ideas.

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