Your Stage : Commercial that was Mine. by David Ramey Gordon

David Ramey Gordon

Commercial that was Mine.

Ok, so I dont show many people what I do.   I have the majority of shows the NBC is carrying this season, that came from layouts, that I wrote and sent to SNL cast, after they busted Jay Z attacking me, to say Thank You.     Mr, Mayor, Ap Bio, Bring the Funny, all came from my pen.  As did this commercial .  I wrote this commercial as a SNL open, that would be .. Kelly Anne Conway, as the Main. (Kate...)  That would have acted like She had all the answers before the show, then went on the show, and just killed it, answering the questions before they are done.. where you assume shes just really smart.. as the sketch idea.  Ie.  There is a bunch of pretend from the Trump side is what my joke was.  I pitched to Donald, the night He told the audience He was making Kanye West His VP, all about the Jay Z issue.  in that pitch.. i showed him what Sean had stolen at the time, and how they were attacking others, based on their names, from our fight.   The next day. .  He dropped Kanye and seemed like he was on my side.   Then He turned and burned, and started running with them.  Alot of the SNL, and Seth Meyers Show, is about our fight.  Any Sketch on Seth, that Has Fred Armisen, is likely about the fight .   Seth made fun of Z the Next Monday after SNL busted them, with the "Funnel" Joke from Fred.  Then SNL cast (Andy Sandberg) went to Comedy Bang Bang, and made fun of the letter Z sent to Kevin, that Z took y material and slanted it to make me look like im trying to pick a fight and to get Kevin mad at me. Thats in the Christmas Sweaters Sketch on Comedy bang bang by lonely island boys.  Where its Terrorists in the Studio, and Ray in the Sky.  (or ventillation) and thats the fight still.   We have a coup in the White house for 8 years.. along with a media blackout to protect a former president and 3 music artists who were attacking people that pitch them stuff, to kill them and keep it for themselves.  Thats what got caught over here in october 2013.   I get sketches on SNL, via writing people, with usually over 30 sketches laid out, and i typically only get 1 or 2 mentions and not even a sketch on.  I got one on each of the last seasons.  I get mentions in Fallon, Colbert, Conan, Meyers, and Corden, as well as Samantha Bee, and South Park.  This commercial ran nationally for a while.

David Ramey Gordon

Oh.. I pitched to Donald the hat idea. I pitched to Obama, Obamacare, and the Pacific Trade Agreement, thats on Facebook 2 weeks before announced on my page. Tidal. Mine. Moto Z. mine. Nori Ori Van At Die Hat Sue. Also Mine. The Rihanna Album Release Game. Mine. That Became Pokemon Go. Where if you read thru the stuff, they named characters after themselves. 711 Song by Beyonce.. Came from my pitch to Kanye to put antipoverty cards at 711's.. the idea being a big fund using the interest of the fund to fund cards everyone gets. The Lil Wayne Commercials of What. What. all came from my pen.. he mentions the canoe game pitched to them in the samsung "what" commercial with Westley Snipes. The Amazon Towers/Echo line all came from the 3rd thing pitched to them, of a plant watering system with voice controlled radio. The Peleton/Google Bikes both came from me pitched to them. The Tv Show Sex Box was pitched to them. The Product of the Rear end of the Ford Mustang, was Pitched as the Car Named "The Bull" The Seating arrangement of the GT40 came from that pitch. The Rolls Royce 2 Door came from that Pitch. The Truck pitch that Elon Musk Used at Tesla, came from My Pitch of a Truck with a pass thru rear window and flat floor with tailgate that acts like His.. Teslas Roofing Panels came from my pitch to Kanye West. He then went on the media an told everyone he can call Elon or Obama and get stuff on. That was what he was referring too on that day. The Movie Transyvania 2, used recorded audio from my computer to create the screwed down toilet seat scene. That was them. The Movie Trolls 2, used my pitch Rock Dussy. As Did Jeeps Commercial the next week. That Was Them. The Movie Star is Born, is on Jamie Dornans Page 8 months before Bradley Cooper made a Identical movie, without as much plot. Have a little pride in your work. The original pitch was a clean the ocean plastic and make products with the free plastic. That was in the media weeks later, as people started too. The Audible Network at Amazon came from the pitch.. "unbelieveability" a dictionary word that was available at the time.. website name.. where you vote if you believe the story , after watching, then it tells you if its true or not.. The Fire Tablets and Toyota Tacoma Commercial came from the same pitch to them. I asked for a indestructible phone, then commercials destroying that phone in slow motion. I pitched the Idea of Spacial Sound, with image to sound headphones to facebook and to Apple and Samsung developer pages, and Dolby made them, then creditted me none. I was chased 3 times in 2013 by Z.

David Ramey Gordon


David Ramey Gordon

This commercial was me. I pitched this as a Cheetos costume party where someone throws a ball of cheetos at a person, another slaps it down, and yells defense. Directly to the MARKETER in charge of the Cheetos Account. I said FREE.. He wrote i can see it.. maybe. Thats how you get stuff on. He took each line, swapped what it was doing.. Took a Party, made it a picnic.. took a pass, made it a kick.. took a ball, made it a cheeto, took slapping it down, turned it into a interception.. And I am impressed. I like this guy.

David Ramey Gordon

This was pitched as a Sketch to Seth Meyers facebook, that became this commercial. I mearly said.. what if a person was born fully grown as something odd in the news.. as a sketch. That became a snl where they had friends from a company that turned to goo if found out.. and this commercial, where there was no contact too these marketers. I believe this is a Z?? Not sure, but came out only months after pitched.

David Ramey Gordon

This is a Z product that is using my Dog and Horse Movie and Tv Show Pitch as the basis of What Z doesnt want.. The Comedy Show.. Corden. Pointed out that Sam Jackson is a $20,000 a commercial player, and only gets scripts an reads them, and had nothing to do with the commercial... just sayin. They are Busted.

David Ramey Gordon

This camera was pitched to Z Team.. (Named Camera Eggs) in 2013, and came out just after pitched as a crowdfunded product. He had a few ideas i pitched that went thru the crowdfunding. The Tv Show .. Discovery. Did a segment on my pitch to them, for a vibration glove for the deaf to use that converts sound to vibrations on a thumb back side based vibrator. That became a Z jacket, with vibrators all over it, that functioned using the same program pitched.. that they did a big thing on, and Paul Giamatti interviewed their "inventor" in the segment, who was taking my credit.. No different than the pokemon go inventor.. or the nori ori inventor.. or the moto z inventor. Or Dolby/Apple/Samsung Ear Buds Inventors.. ALL are patsys for Z.

David Ramey Gordon

Larceny is a crime involving the unlawful taking or theft of the personal property of another person or business.

David Ramey Gordon

This commercial is, Kevin after Caught was passing my material as Keith.. or Other People. The Fixer Ray.. is Ramey based name. But not my material. All the David Directed things in 2014-16 was mine that Z made.

David Ramey Gordon

Here is stuff on Tv, without explanation. I had Put Its pronounced Ray-Me. in a Pitch.

David Ramey Gordon

Ok, so After they Steal Another, and I get the Copyright.. then they steal that too.. they chase me by my cell phone, so i havent had one in 8 years. What should I do?? They have 6 FBI reports, Fort Collins Police, homeland security, Colorado Attorney General and Colorado Governor reports.. Grand Larceny and Attempted Murder.. Let add over 40 projects already stolen. So I get the Copyright. Is that Gonna Fix IT/?? and How?? Kevin is this Pages Ads Right Now. What is the Next Step. Cause I cant Find A Lawyer Willing to Take Them On?? you can see Progressive is on my side, as is Conan.. Fallon, Colbert, Corden, SNL, and Meyers. ?

David Ramey Gordon

True, I pitched alot of Ideas, without copyright filed, but i also had a bunch of them hacked they did.. Sent NOT too THEM, but with a Date Showing Its My Material First. Then They came out with material with my material in it. Ive had shows for sure Ive had pulled from tv where the Writers used my material from the pitch and the tv program left the air. That wasnt copyright.. as that company pulling the show that used a pitch sent in email to seth meyers only.. do you see why they pulled the work?? When Copyright goes to Court, they Have to Prove Who Has a DATE established that the idea was theirs first. Thats what taught at business school. Yea. they say get the copyrights, but the DATE establishing when it was thought up first and pitched to someone also establishes copyright. When its a bunch of Emails, we each see each with dates, with an Attempted Murder, then a Blatant Disregard for LAW, attacking as ISIS multiple times as jokes from the material.. then Multiple Attacks Caught, one caught by the Air Force after Kanye West went on BBC calling the Ideas Sent HIS.. and About His Blackout Wall.. That a YEAR LATER SNL caught them. The Persons Attacking are doing everything they can to ruin my business in a Exclusive way. They are using patsys to take the credit of ideas i pitch.. multiple times. They are prolific about it. Where they are OVER and Over Stealing Projects using Hacking and When their Attempted Murder fell thru, 2 times.. they gave up and took off With Each Idea sent. Im talking over 40. Business ideas, Commercials, Tv Shows, Movies . It becomes a Broken Law the Moment you try to kill someone to take it.

David Ramey Gordon

This sketch is about How SEAN is Caught. Jay Z. They See It.

David Ramey Gordon

Lets Say You Write a Book. You dont File Anything. But You Put it on Paper, and Try and Sell it To Someone. Then that Person Reads It, then Copys It, and Tries to Sell It. I know you'll say. Youre saying thats Ok. You dont have copyright. If they then chase you and try and kill you. The Police Report says you are being robbed of a Book. Thats where we are at. Robbery is the Bigger thing.

David Ramey Gordon

France was attacked on Vanessa Bayers Birthday when She called out Kevin in the Sketch after He was Busted. The Rhodens were Attacked on Mine. As was Pulse Night Club. As was.. Snl cast then went to comedy bang bang and made fun of them with a line of.. Who is rapping at our chamber door, then did Ray in the Ventilation and Terrorists In the Studio.. They then attacked West and Chambers in Manhatten the ISIS attackers sayinng they were ordered to attack the year prior right after the sketch. All this coming over a year after they were caught by me, in my house, kicking my dog and going floor to floor in the dark after lying to my family about me held up there with a gun, and committing suicide, after it was a hacking and a chase after Kanye went on BBC calling my ideas His, starting after asking will he be crediting me. This coming 3 months after Fort Collins Police were notified that Obamacare was My Idea, and I just had a Chase, with them using a spotter car, and not announcing me as who the idea came from. Then Tidal came out it was pitched to them as a Live Concert Streaming Ap. Then The Moto Z at Lenovo, came out, it was pitched to them.. the Nori Ori at Die Hat Sue, that was Pitched to them.. The Rihanna Album Release Game.. the Drake and Lil Wayne Concert Ap.. The Tv Show Sex Box, the Google Bike, the Amazon Towers, the Amazon Fire Tablet Commercial and Product, the Amazon Tech Ring, Amazon Dash Buttons.. Amazon Bug Vacuum Traps..Google bluetooth wall to light switches.. Hacked and or stolen from posts.. The Tic Toc Ap, the Zoom Ap, Apples Earbuds, Apples Space Tv Show, Apples Arcade... All Pitched or Hacked and Made By Them . Like a Book Offered to Them , they copied, called theirs and then Tried to kill the Author. Got Caught, then Gave Credit to Each Idea with a Patsy, while the FBI took in 6 Reports on them, as Well as Fort Collins, the Sheriff, the Governor, and the Attorney General.. There was no contact for year before they went on SNL with what seems like was a countdown that Kenan and Kate Busted. Grand Larceny, Attempted Murder, Extortion, and Terrorism. . not mention tons of intimidation marketing. Still No Contact from any law enforcement on the case, Past Air Force Hung Up on by the FBI. After Told.. I saw Him on Tv, He says You have officer inside on a called in a chase call, and He kicked His Dog while inside goign floor to floor in the dark, and the FBI goes.. We are Aware.. Send Him Away.. and Hung Up on Us. She Then Called NORAD BASE COMMAND.. cause thats where i was.. and we talked with the Top of Base Command about what to do about in Her Words.. "The FBI is acting Fishy down Here Sir." Filed there on October 15th 2013, and should have been the day they went to jail. Second incident, 2nd chase.. 3 car follows.

David Ramey Gordon

Well. The Case Happened in 2013, before that is established.. with an attempted murder. Then Terrorism after exposed with a 4th attack, being a sketch on tv with a countdown that Kenan stopped the sketch on live tv on. Where you can ask to see what Kevin had stopped, and see if its in line with bragging about the attempted murder in lil wayne songs, kanye songs, jay z and beyonce songs.. and rihanna songs. As well as GE Commercial. and Gieco Commercial that was caught.. its why Progressive is on my side. I showed them the materials used in the Virginiassee Bristol Tennessee Virginia Border Commercial, where they mimic my post of me at Iowa Missouri's border 3 weeks prior. The Clowns in the Attic commercial is where Giecos Internet manager had to fire their marketing manager, and we all know why. Do you see why?? Its not a copyright infringement case the FBI is protecting where Obamacare came from cause he then sent it to a canadian company, making it espionage after he then chased me, when i asked will i be getting credit, after getting a haircut expecting them to announce the idea i sent them. Instead they created a patsy and chased me for chase 1.. that then got in the nicki manaj song.. ONLY. when lil wayne says.. you caught my goons.. that was me. And then nicki went on SNL and exposed them too. The song.. Chun Li, the line, "She's not coming off the bench" is about beyonce. "You think i forgot..? . " When Drake found out, he said he nothing to do with it, and parted ways. He was using my rap battle ap, and when i showed him the material they used to make it.. thats what happened. It was an attempted murder then the Cops jumped in on the Jay Z side and set up a murder to look like a suicide and got caught. Then a year passed, the second cop chase was unaware of the first, and came and admitted on camera that the chase was cause i facebooked them too much.. then i said.. i only facebooked them too much after they attacked me for the obamacare idea.. Then He admits the second attack, with still no contact yet, from 7news, colorado springs pd, larimer sheriff, and fbi.. with air force called fbi and was hung up on. He literally admitted the second attack on camera, while unaware of filed at fort collins 3 months prior.

David Ramey Gordon

Captain Justin Atwood.

David Ramey Gordon

How Would You Suggest Taking Them On?? Whos doing the investigating when they steal the paid for copyright ones. How is that Law?? Thats a Classism Law, where a person without the money to pay for copyright can be attacked over and over again without them willing to say a thing? The Sag writer union is something im gonna join. now i know there are people stealing my scripts there by name. Thats Stupid leaving the victims to know who the person victimizing them is, and the law isnt gonna help stop it. Its My Hacked Emails now become everything winning the awards cause they control the awards too. Everyone On Nightly TV can spot who the Terrorist in the Room is. Trolls 2 Came from my script emailed to a comedian Jan 2020, they came out with it, 6 months later, using material in the script and not-z on a rock in a trailer for it. They really barely used it too. My son and i wrote a refugee crisis fixed using a rock band movie, and they made that from it. The pitch came with a second movie idea that also made it into Trolls material. The same writers used material in the Monster Truck kids movie that was part of a animated tractor pull movie idea i wrote and sent someone not them. Thats 2 from those writers. Then the writers on Knives out went on tv talking about how they had 3 writers and only went and paid 2. Thats amanda petes husband bragging. not bargining. Brockmire and Green Inferno came from the same seth meyers email that was a sports announcer movie with a huge game between Big Red.. Nebraska, and Surrounding Town Nebraskas other State College Having a Aborigine Mascot.. Then The Big Red Team taking a Corn Theme on, so its like.. Aborigine people holding noise makers of some kinda, and corn blowers.. in the greatest match of all time that just keeps going on and on. It came from that pitch after Billy Crystal asked for a script like that on a show. Next Season Started with Both Made. Ted Lasso, I pitched a Football Coach that is Running a Trick Offense, takes over college town and is agressive about decorating the town before games with specific jokes and active town folk buying in.. as a pitch to adam sandlers email they built that off of. Successions basic set up but i have no idea how much more, was on Facebook as Wedding Dancer somewhere?? Its now on mine in the log lines as new thing. But that started after pitched somewhere, just after. The Apple Space Race Tv Show, is on Quinton Tarentinos Facebook Page and they just changed it from malcolm x and martin to nasa, same premise. Those crazy writers.. On Ron Howards Company Imagine Page on Facebook is the Basketball Movie Pitched in my Log Lines that Ruffles Potato Chips got their Commercials Premise From. My Horse and Dog Tv Show Pitched Numerous places was the basis of the Sam Jackson Capital One We Dont Need a Dog And Pony Show Commercial, that Corden Says He got $25k for , and a script he read then went back home and doesnt get out of bed for less than 5 k a day. The Black Band over eyes like terrorists do in that korean winner last year matches all the inner artwork Jay Z does on Holy Grail, so much that Nick Kroll Made Fun of It, after Receiving a copy of what became trolls 2 in Feburary 2020.. 5 months prior to release, He named his main character the same as mine, to make fun of them in "big mouth". Duusy. He also did sketches on Kroll Show after i showed him about them caught.. prior to that.. like the Terrii's . Were talking early 2015, they were made fun of on comedy bang bang.. then everywhere. I pitched a my cousin vinny idea and the tv show that was some lawyer thing, used the exact lines from the pitch with a overriding plot exact.. and i posted it to the network and it got pulled. Its over and over and over... 8 years of it.

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