My husband and I have been binging our faces off TV-wise (I'm obviously aware that we're not alone in that). But for every new series that we plow through, we inevitably find ourselves circling back to PARKS AND REC. Not necessarily to watch the whole series again from top to bottom (although we certainly have, and numerous times) but just so that we can have a guaranteed feel good half hour. ...And a good cry.
What is the feel good television that you find yourself coming back to time and time again?
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My two favorites are "All Creatures Great & Small" on PBS Sunday nights and "Joe Pickett" which is a new series from Paramount+ (the same writer and director as Yellowstone) streaming on the Spectrum Network.
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Ted Lasso is one that blows me away. My wife and I started watching it this past fall, and while we're still working our way through season two, I've already circled back and rewatched season one. Scrubs and Northern Exposure are two others.
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Kacee, my husband loves Yellowstone, he'll have to check out Joe Pickett.
And TED LASSO!!!! Ugh, Season 1 is perfect.
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Corner Gas is something I've gone back to a few times.
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Hi Angela: There seems to be a distinct lack of feel good tv and movies at the moment, maybe it’s been a reflection of society with all that’s going on. Seems like escapism is in and well there’s no surprises there! I’ve been escaping with Kevin Costner! Lol!
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We're currently rewatching The Good Place, but yeah... TED MFing LASSO! <3
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Oh MAN, The Good Place! I watched that for my first time about a year or so ago. I cannot articulate just how many different things I feel for that show.
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Nothing lately...tried watching "Servant" S2 after ok S1...dropped off after 2-3 ep. Lotta wine and nothing else...
My kid's fond of "Stranger Things" so that makes me more-less "a fan", so up to date with that...
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I can’t not watch Psych. I’ve been through that series multiple times and I’m currently going through again to keep pace with a new podcast about it. It’s so funny and has surprisingly sweet moments sprinkled throughout as you see the characters become an odd type of family.
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The Wire
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If I find a feel-good TV show to binge watch, Angela Cristantello, I'll let you know.
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Breaking Bad and Community. Like a hamster on a wheel.