Most of the time I feel like my creativity is on steroids. I am writing my 3rd sci-fi TV script, and my 5th, 6th, and 7th book. I have sold almost 80K books and over 100K inventions - if only I would have made good money from them. Stage 32 offers so much but I never seem to be finished enough to submit my script. - I am always close, but there are always improvements that I can make. Have fun, Doyle Barnett
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Hi, Doyle, I think that is the mindset of most artists, we always believe we can improve what we do. 100k inventions, that's impressive. You have beaten Edison and tesla by over 95,000 inventions.
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When all else fails, lower your standards?
I remember when controversy sold but that is now regarded as cheating!
Doyle Barnett No, I wouldn't say lower your standards. I think what you have to think about it is as Peter Jackson thinks about it, or the writer of A few good men. Peter Jackson did 22-26 rewrites for the lord of the ring screenplay, and The writer of a few good man did almost 20th drafts. I think when you read the story, and see there is nothing else you can do to make it better. That's when you need to stop. That's what I've done for myself as well. my newest book 17th rewrites or 17 drafts. But I read it, and said. This is done.