Introduce Yourself : Hello to All by Robert Cox

Robert Cox

Hello to All

Not new to Stage 32 but am becoming more and more involved with the community. I am a Screenwriter, but have also done some acting, as well as a little producing. Just finished up the year with 185 wins and placements at various film festivals and Screenwriting contests for several of my scripts. Looking forward to 2022. One of my scripts was recently filmed and is now in editing, and 3 scripts (2 short, 1 full length) are in preproduction. I am working on 2 scripts at the moment, one an LGBT drama and the other a superhero adventure. Hope to get to know some people and expand my circle of professionals. Talk to you soon - Robert Cox

Jason Mirch

Robert Cox, my friend, great to have you here! I am so glad you're becoming more involved in the community. There is a lot that you will benefit from - and I know a lot of folks will benefit from you being here as well. Congratulations on all your wins! Massive success! You are welcome to reach out to me directly at - Let me know what you're working on and I will be happy to help! Also, if you're not yet a member of the Writers' Room I hope you will join us! Click here and you'll get a free month:

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