Introduce Yourself : Filmmaking/Directing by Jeremy Solterbeck

Jeremy Solterbeck


Hi! Decided this month I won't tell myself I don't have enough to say, and just say hello! I'm currently interested in making an independent horror film, I'm great at filmmaking craft and lousy at filmmaking networking, so looking for a producing partner or mentor at a similar level with similar interests. Have completed many shorts and features in the past with varying degrees of festival and distribution success. Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Glenn Anthony Maneval Jr

Hi Jeremy. While I'm not a producing partner or mentor (sorry haha), I read that you're interested in horror. I focus on horror screenplays and have two completed as of current. If you're looking for any horror ideas, I've got a few hanging around. Good luck on your networking.

Jeremy Solterbeck

Oh hi! Yeah horror fan from way back and seems like a solid direction to go. Who do you like for horror these days? I like Ari Aster.

Glenn Anthony Maneval Jr

Ari Aster is great, although I thought Hereditary was better than Midsommer. I'm big fans of James Wan and Mike Flanagan. Mike's Netflix projects have been superb.

Jeremy Solterbeck

Ooh I'll check those out, thanks!

Chris Joye

Greetings! I dig horror :)

Jeremy Solterbeck

ah cool! how do i hear some music? don't see your site on here - :) thx!

Matthew Wauchope

Hi. In all honesty I’m not really a horror fan but a few of my Favourite films are Thrillers so it’s close right? Lol.

I’m more of a 1st AD or Straight up Director seems you may be looking for similar things to me though my pitch’s revolve around Fantasy. Anyway welcome to Stage 32!

Vivek Singhania

Would love to mentor you Jeremy Solterbeck do connect by email on and look up my filmography on

Rebecca James

Hi Jeremy: Welcome! Seems like your on your way and will be one to watch! I am definitely not into horror but wish you the best of luck! Bec

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