Introduce Yourself : New movie trailer dropped this weekend! by George A Johnson

George A Johnson

New movie trailer dropped this weekend!

Please take a moment to watch the trailer for my new feature film PULLED FROM DARKNESS (inspired by true events) at, then comment or send me a message & say hello. I look forward to networking with you. Cheers!

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Will do! Checking it out now!

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Very well done! The cinematography is chef’s kiss

Seems like a lot of heavy layers in this. Love it! Would’ve liked to hear some of the dialogue when people were talking, it looked so intense. We’ll done!

George A Johnson

Thank you, Michelle! I appreciate the kind words. Have a great weekend!

MB Stevens

Hey, George. Awesome trailer. I love the character's will to go on. Onward and upward.

George A Johnson

Thank you, MB. I appreciate you.

Mike Bencivenga

Very the good way. Congrats. Hope you do well with it.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Looks very nice. I would like you to onsider being a part of the Independent Producers Guild, we are looking for impactful new voices to help shape our industry.

Ianna R Miolan-Cruz

This is soo exciting! I loved, loved, loved it. But the film itself is definitely something I would pay to see. The cinematography is gorgeous too! Cheers to your accomplishment <3

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Checked out your trailer, looks very promising. Congratulations!

George A Johnson

Thank you, Mike. I appreciate it.

George A Johnson

Thanks for reaching out, Shadow. I am honored and interested. I will forward this information on to my agent for further consideration. Thank you!

George A Johnson

Wow! Nice catch, Ianna, thank you! I have updated my profile. And thanks for the insightful tips on the trailer. I appreciate you!

Richard "RB" Botto

Very nice work, George!

Ianna R Miolan-Cruz

Our secret, Mr. Johnson! ;-) You deserve the best

George A Johnson

Thanks Evelyn!

George A Johnson

Thank you, Richard! I appreciate it!

George A Johnson

Haha, thanks Ianna! :)

George A Johnson

Also, thanks for creating a space where I can share the trailer & connect with other filmmakers, Richard!

Richard "RB" Botto

My pleasure, George. As I like to say, the creatives and pros in the community make the whole thing spin. Appreciate you contributing and adding so much positive energy. And please, call me RB :)

Sarah Teres

Great job!

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