Don Finklea Jr

Don Finklea Jr

Actor and Screenwriter

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Member Since:
June 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Don

Don Finklea Jr was born in Beacon, New York. He has studied acting for over 20 years and recently entered the writing space in an effort to tell original stories that hopefully the world will one day see.





  • Master Chief

    Master Chief Budget: $30M+ | Drama Biography At the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, William Goines, a runaway on the brink of uncertainty with unshakable resilience, lands in the throes of the Vietnam Era as the first black Navy SEAL.

  • Left Hand Woman

    Left Hand Woman Budget: $30M+ | Action When a billionaire's family is kidnapped by a vengeful underworld boss, his childhood friend—a mute, former Secret Service agent with a fierce skill set—forsakes her badge to embark on a deadly mission to save them, rekindling a bond forged two decades earlier in the face of adversity.

  • T.H.R.E.A.T.

    T.H.R.E.A.T. Budget: $0 - $100K | Drama Crime After experiencing an attempted break-in, a military veteran, Gabriel, is pushed to the edge, leading to a dangerous confrontation in his own home.


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