Introduce Yourself : Jim Westlyn: Musician/Composer by Jim Westlyn

Jim Westlyn

Jim Westlyn: Musician/Composer

I've been intending to get involved with one of these "Introduce Yourself" weekends for a good long while. I'm going to start the process here and make time to give this more attention tomorrow.

Amanda Toney

Looking forward to you introducing yourself!

Steven Bogart

Hi, I'm finally participating in this. I live in the Boston area and have been writing screenplays and plays for a while. I've had a few minor successes, placing in some competitions, and had a script optioned for a couple of years. Recently, I created a pitch deck for a pilot I wrote, which I had a lot of fun creating. I'm trying to stay positive but as I'm sure everyone knows, it's very challenging. No time to doubt!

MB Stevens

Hey, Jim. Nice to meet you. Onward and upward.

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