Introduce Yourself : Horror Screenwriter by Seth Lockwood

Seth Lockwood

Horror Screenwriter

My name is Seth Lockwood and I am currently writing original horror screenplays. I’m decently new to this app. I’m looking for other screenwriter to connect with sometime and create some cool projects.

Amanda Toney

Hi Seth, welcome to the Stage 32 community to some great creative colleagues to collaborate with. What type of horror do you like to write?

Hunter Huiet

I’m a big fan of horror movies myself, Seth. Perhaps maybe we can write one

Seth Lockwood

@Amanda Toney I enjoy writing anything horror. Lately I’ve been working on a psychological Horror Film.

Seth Lockwood

@Hunter Huiet that’s awesome! I’d love to collab and write one.

Hunter Huiet

Seth Lockwood oh I love psychological horror movies such as Silence of The Lambs. I just recently completed my first screenplay and had it copyrighted with the US copyright office. However, I’m looking at adapting it into a limited TV miniseries

Seth Lockwood

That’s awesome! Congratulations on completing your first screenplay and getting it copyrighted. That would be really cool to create a limited mini series.

MB Stevens

Welcome, Seth. Look forward to possibly networking. Onward and upward.

Seth Lockwood

@MB Stevens thank you! I look forward to possible networking as well.

Hunter Huiet

Seth Lockwood thank you so much! That means a lot. What is your favorite horror movie

Seth Lockwood

@Hunter Huiet that’s a really hard question to answer. One of my favorite horror films is the 2017 IT

Stephen Stallone Thomas

Hey Seth! Welcome! I’m an actor /writer and horror is my genre - let’s connect & welcome

Seth Lockwood

Hey Stephen! I hope you’re doing well and it’s nice to meet you. I’d love to connect and work on something.

Erik Meyers

Hey. Sounds great! I'm currently reworking a thriller/horror script

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