Hi Everyone,
At this moment, I am hyperaware of my Stage 32 activity pattern. I introduce myself. I become super active which is usually aligned with a project. I read posts and blogs and articles. I chat and interact. I attend virtual classes and in-person meet-ups and pitch sessions. Then, I go back into my cave; into the demands of my day job and my life that seem, at the time, to supersede screenwriting. I am REINTRODUCING MYSELF with the hopes that I remain energized and engaged and productive here among my film peeps. So... hello again, friends. My name is Shia Shabazz Smith. I am a screenwriter and I live in Oakland, CA. I look forward to getting to know you and to mutual inspiration. Cheers to us all. Happy creating!
Shia Shabazz Smith, We've all been there. It means you are a human being with a life and driven by ambition. No shame is that....
Welcome to Stage32 - it's always a good time to start again. Enjoy the platform!
Thank you, Shia Shabazz Smith ! You're post spoke to me. Though I was a Stage 32 lurker for almost two years, I only introduced myself to this platform for the first time today. I also have a tendency to "go back into my cave," prioritizing work and family demands. Currently trying to change some of my habits so that I focus on writing more.
Happy creating to you, too!
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Lol. I'm still somewhat of a lurker. Hope to change that.
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I do exactly the same thing! :O
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A pleasure to meet you Shia. Set aside a few minutes every day and check in for inspiration. We love to inspire and motivate. Tell the community what's on your mind or what you're struggling with. We got your back.