Producing : Seven Lessons Learned From Producing Short Films by Daniel Lyddon

Daniel Lyddon

Seven Lessons Learned From Producing Short Films

Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of importing content from my old Vocal blog to Medium, and wanted to share this article via a free "friend link" so it's available for people to read from behind the paywall. It's a list of some lessons learned from producing short form content - a lot of it is common sense, but if someone who's just starting out benefits from reading it, then it's worth the share...

Cherelynn Baker

What a good read - shared. Thank you for posting about your experiences!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Awesome read - thanks for sharing, Daniel Lyddon!

Daniel Lyddon

Thank you both - hope you enjoyed

Doug Nelson

Daniel - you & I are on the same page. All I produce nowadays are shorts. I've taught and still teach screenwriting and DSLR filmmaking. I stress character driven story and creative vision in the short format. Writing/Producing a top-notch short is a very difficult task for sure.

Louie La Vella

Great read Daniel!

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