On Writing : Happy 2.22.2022 TUEsday everyone! by Bianca Y. Michaels

Bianca Y. Michaels

Happy 2.22.2022 TUEsday everyone!

What are you doing/will be doing on this Historical Day of Second Chances? Or Double Opportunities? :D

Ginger Gilley

Writing a docuseries, you?

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Bianca Y. Michaels huge numerological day tomorrow! I don't think I will observe 2:22am on

TUESday 02/22/2022, however I plan to observe 2:22pm, 2/22/2022,

by maybe having lunch or something, and it is likely to be very cold and raining here in NorthEast USA all day tomorrow, so you can believe I will be writing a screenplay and dwelling in gratitude for the day of focus and clarity!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Finishing my bloody draft! LOL

Bianca Y. Michaels

Ginger Gilley Uuuh, what docuseries are you working on?

Bianca Y. Michaels

Daniel Stuelpnagel Sounds like a great thing to do! I wish my days were as calm and inspirational as yours <3 what's the theme of your screenplay?

Bianca Y. Michaels

Karen "Kay" Ross Hahaha, is it bloody bloody? Or just bloody? What awesome thing is going to happen after you finish?

Erik Meyers

Love the 2s :)

David C. Velasco

Wonder what happens a 2:22:22 pm today? :)

Bianca Y. Michaels

@David, I hope a small miracle for everyone! And a big miracle for all those who deserve it!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Naw, I just draw a lot of my cursing from British English. Sorry for the confusion! LOL

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