On Writing : Pitch Tips? by S.H. Cooper

Pitch Tips?

I'm a horror author who signed up to submit a written pitch to a production company seeking books for adaptation. I've researched pitches aplenty in preparation, but I was wondering if the fine folks of Stage32 might have any wisdom to bestow? Not embarrassed to say I'm very nervous and would appreciate any advice!

Billy Bronson

Check out any of the pitch sessions and they should have a link to a free ebook on how to write pitches. Also you can email writerhelp@stage32.com and ask for a written pitch example. I found both helpful!!

Karen "Kay" Ross

You are correct Billy Bronson! Here is the link for the free Stage 32 Pitching Guidebook: https://www.stage32.com/sites/stage32.com/themes/two/pdfs/happy-writers/Stage_32_Pitching_Guidebook.pdf

Otherwise, I would say just tell them a story. Tell them the story of how this book came to be (i.e. why it's important to you), the story of the book as you see it on screen, and even a brief story about your hopes for the future - who you think would enjoy seeing it and why it would be important for them to see it now.

At the end of the day, the person at the other end of your pitch is still a person, and everyone enjoys a good story. Happy storytelling, and let us know how it goes!

Oh, and practice ;-) Record yourself, do it live in front of a friend, you can even get feedback from the Pitch Practice in the Stage 32 Writer's Room.

S.H. Cooper

Thank you both!

Effie Trihas

In addition to what was mentioned above, I found it helpful to provide a hook. Basically, an "Imagine if...." type of hook when I start my pitch. It's kind of the reason why you wrote it in the first place. It helped me establish a rapport with the other person, as well. Best of luck!

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