On Writing : Seeking advice on getting show produced... by Karen Goldfarb

Karen Goldfarb

Seeking advice on getting show produced...

HI friends,

I am in the process of turning my animated short into a show for kids -- that I hope will have crossover appeal to adults. But I don't know anything about getting a show produced -- my caveat is I don't want to produce it myself -- so how do I find theatres or producers who would be willing to take it on? thank you in advance! xox

Bianca Y. Michaels

Well, Karen, you're in the right place for that! Every day there are updates on people, meetings, events and everything under the sun for you to do to get noticed and your show produced!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Have you considered hosting a table read at a local theater? It would give people a chance to hear it read, maybe connect with a theater that might be interested in hosting it. Also, check your area for children's theatre organizations. A friend of mine works with the Adventure Theatre in Silver Spring, MD and I'm sure something like that would be a fantastic place to connect. Maybe even workshop it with you? What kid wouldn't like the chance to work on an original play?!

Check it out, ask for Chil Kong, and let him know Kay Ross says 'Alo!': https://adventuretheatre-mtc.org/

Tessa Shaffer

Hi! I just saw this that Stage 32 has for animation shows: https://www.stage32.com/classes/Stage-32-TV-Animation-Lab-Build-an-Outli...

Might be something in there that can help you pitch to producers and get them on your team. =) Best of luck!

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