Introduce Yourself : Hey everyone! I'm Curt, a self-published author and illustrator by Curt Fulster

Curt Fulster

Hey everyone! I'm Curt, a self-published author and illustrator

Like it says above, I'm a self-published author and illustrator that started creating books to help a kid that wanted more imagination in kids stories. I now have 12 self-published books with plenty more on the way. I may not be the best writer or illustrator but I believe I have new, fresh ideas for kids stories and I'm working on improving my creativity, writing, and illustrating with each book.

My main goal is to get one or more of my stories to TV land or the big screen! I may not have the financial assets or status to catch the attention of big wigs, but I promise whoever takes a chance on me will gain a loyal, creative, passionate author that is willing to share his creative stories.

Thanks for reading my long post! :)

MB Stevens

Welcome, Curt. Onward and upward.

Maurice Vaughan

How are you, Curt Fulster? Welcome to the community. Where can we check out your books?

Glenn Anthony Maneval Jr

That's awesome Curtis!! Best of luck on your endeavors. 12 books is a big deal.

Curt Fulster

Thank you MB and thank you Glenn!

Curt Fulster

I'm doing well Maurice! Thank you. My books are on Amazon under the pen name "C. Fulsty." I can't add the link below but you can go to my website,, which will have links to my books and other little things like one of my books being on Fox 31 Denver.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Curt Fulster, and welcome to the community! Oh, cool - congratulations on your success as an author/illustrator! You're definitely in the right place to learn how to adapt your material! Have you put together a pitch for your screenplay as well? I would highly recommend using Stage 32's free Pitching Guidebook to help you structure your pitch, whether it is a 2-page pitch document, a 5-minute verbal pitch, or a 15-30page pitch deck:

If you are interested in pitching your project, definitely reach out to our Director of Script Service, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives:

I'm sure you've discovered the Authoring Lounge (, but I'd LOVE for you to post in the Animation Lounge ( as well! Perhaps you could talk a little about your process? Do you work with a team?

Keep in mind that these lounges are like the VIP Filmmaker's Lounges at Film Festivals, so this is where you can meet the people doing the work, get advice on anything you're working on, and/or give back to those who may need advice. We're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my blog post on how to get the most out of the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Curt Fulster. Ok, I'll check out your website.

Curt Fulster

Thank you so much Karen!! I just posted to the Animation Lounge but I will definitely check out the Authoring Lounge and the Pitching Guidebook. I want to create a great pitch! I'll also check out your blog. I am loving this community already!

Thank you for all the great info! Fingers crossed on finding someone or someones to help me get my books to the next level!

Curt Fulster

Thank you Maurice! Can't wait to hear what you think.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Curt Fulster. I REALLY like your website and the design of your books! That's cool that you have coloring pages on the site.

Curt Fulster

Thank you Maurice!! I have coloring pages in some books as well. I really appreciate the feedback.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Curt Fulster. Having coloring pages in your books is creative.

Gertrude Appiah

You're welcome

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