Introduce Yourself : This is who I am by Karlie Lucas

This is who I am

I was born in Southern Utah in 1981, and graduated from Southern Utah University with a degree in Creative Writing in June of 2006.

Since then, I've interned as a script writer for a small, independent film company, as well as entered several contests, including:  the FilmFestO Mashup 5 Day Screenwriting Challenge, where I was a runner up, and the Emerging Screenwriter contest where I was a quarter finalist..

I am currently working on adapting a YA fantasy trilogy I wrote for the screen, which I also turned into a podcast/audio drama (released on Youtube 2019-2021). I write mostly fantasy and young children's adventures.

Jason Mirch

Hey Karlie Lucas! I spent some time in Utah! What a gorgeous state. I am glad that we're connected. I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32 - you can always reach out to me directly at - I would be happy to help in whatever way I can!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Karlie Lucas. Glad you're part of the community. I'm not sure if you already know, but you can post links on your page. You could post the link to your podcast/audio drama.

Karlie Lucas

I didn't know I could do that, Maurice. Thanks for the head's up. I'm trying to juggle a lot of things right now and know I probably should try to be more active here. Doing presentations at a few writing conferences this summer so trying to get ready for that, as well as editing my script adaptations, trying to "trim down the fat", as it were. Definitely hoping to grow and expand my public presence though.

Jason, thanks for the offer. At the moment, just trying to get a lot of stuff done. I'm trying to launch a podcast soon, on self-publishing, as well as working on a few young children's books (illustrating them), but am definitely hoping to have a few scripts "ready" to shop around in the next two months. I will definitely need advice on how to find a literary agent to shop them to producers and production companies once I"m to that point though.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Karlie Lucas. I understand about being busy. When you're ready to add links, check the "Link" section of your page.

Briar Rose Vixen

Hi Karlie! I’m an actor/writer based in the NYC metro area would love to connect.

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