Producing : Horror Stories by Lleeya Sherrod

Lleeya Sherrod

Horror Stories

Anyone have any good producer horror stories?

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

I do not understand your question. What are you asking?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Oh, LAWD - let me tell you about the first film I produced for a 24 hour film festival that attracted the police to ask us to come out "with our hands up". Dude... LOL

Doug Nelson

Yeah Karen, I've had a couple like that - long story but the Cops thought we were digging up graves in a cemetery late one drizzly night.

Minka Wiltz

Karen "Kay" Ross and Doug Nelson When are you writing THOSE movies????!!!


Cherelynn Baker

Is set for location or on a sound stage? What's the budget breakdown? Do you have financing and distribution or hoping for festival route? Is talent attached?

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