Your Stage : DANO (Danger) my video on demand app launches on Apple TV next month! by Dano Veal

Dano Veal

DANO (Danger) my video on demand app launches on Apple TV next month!

DANO - A video on demand app created by Filmmakers!

My purpose is to provide a VOD outlet for Indie Filmmakers to showcase their projects while generating royalties and collecting view analytics to hopefully get a big deal with a giant like Netflix, HULU, and more. The best part about streaming your project on a movie app is that you no longer have to compete with the non-film-content creators & influencers who saturate Youtube.

I'm a writer and executive producer and I'm not a big fan of having so many hurdles just to pitch my projects to larger networks.

I'm currently buying movie rights and building a library that contains larger popular titles so there's a mixture of content. I think having your Indie film literally next to a blockbuster title will increase your chances of being noticed. My future projects will stream on DANO also, unless another network buys my films first.

All I have on my team are additional programmers and a lawyer so I have to manually calculate royalties for now, but we all have to start somewhere. Reed Hastings started Netflix by purchasing DVDs from Walmart then lending them out to subscribers and his manual work paid off big time.

So, if the codes all run smoothly and I compile at least one page of titles, we're launching on Cinco de Mayo. If you have any films that you're sitting on, let me know so we can talk about onboarding. You're free to take your films anywhere you wan't, I won't try to lock you into a contract or prevent you from getting a better deal elsewhere. I'm also accepting experienced advice because I'm entering uncharted waters on a row boat.

Erix Mercedes

That’s such a great idea I’m currently in the early stages of developing a feature but of course the stress of distribution sits on the back of mind. Will your app also have a category for shorts and independent films?

Dano Veal

Most definitely has categories for shorts and independents. I’m also toying with the idea of prerecorded live events such as stand up comedy & plays. Even educational videos like real estate crash courses.

Erix Mercedes

That’s awesome man. I wish you the best of luck. Can’t wait to possibly upload my film to your platform. Please keep everyone on here posted on the release date so we can download the app.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Sounds fantastic!

Michele Traina

This is a great idea! I'm a stand up comic and having live events for our followers who couldn't make it to the show would be awesome, especially up and coming comics. Love this Dano! I have a TV Pilot based on one woman comedy show and this type of platform sounds great, are you guys looking into TV series as well?

Richard Oretsky

I have a recently completed feature, Your potential VOD sounds exciting to see if my film is of interest.

Dano Veal

Onboarding link above.

Erix Mercedes

Checked out the website. Great work. Do you have a logo intro? Something the film maker can add to their trailer to say " Now exclusively on the Dano App"

Dano Veal

PR. It's the first time anyone listened to the "Queens Policy" that I created.

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