Screenwriting : Don’t Get Any Closer​ by Lowrix Wilson

Lowrix Wilson

Don’t Get Any Closer​

Hello, I am searching for a producer or someone who can allow the creation of my script.

Title: Don’t Get Any Closer​

Genre: Found footage/Horror

Logline: Four YouTubers spend one night at a haunted house as a challenge, only to find out that they are unwelcome by the spirits.

Please contact me if you would like to receive more information about the script. Thank you.


Lowrix Wilson

Wally Wu thank you very much

Erik A. Jacobson

"Unwelcome" should be a much stronger word.

Amazing Kacee

Just wondering how this haunted house project stands out from all the rest of the haunted house films already done as it sounds the same as so many other ones!

Lowrix Wilson

Erik A. Jacobson It is used to indicate the conflict between the four YouTubers and the spirits

Lowrix Wilson

Kacee Diehl DeMassi There are two things that I think will make this movie stand out from

the rest: first, this is a found footage movie, it is filmed as a youtube video. more like the ones that you can find on youtube about people spending nights in haunted houses, except this time, the YouTubers found themselves in a real haunted house where they are trapped and they have no idea what will happen next. second, I saw many horror movies and I tried to come up with new horror elements that had never used before (at least not in those movies I've watched, which are many)

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