Hello, Hallo and Buon Giorno,
I'm a German-Italian graduate in Philosophy and Kung-Fu teacher with a preference for Jazz music,
who can speak along to almost every Jackie Chan movie.
An action-thriller I wrote is currently being packaged, a family-friendly animated short is represented by an agent, a comedy-drama has been submitted to various screenplay contests, an action-satire is in the works.
I would like to offer my help when it comes to writing martial-arts choreography. I always try to make sure the action is not only fun to watch but also deepens the characters through movement, body-language and the martial arts techniques they use.
As there are enough people who are after your money, I'd be perfectly happy with a co-author credit.
Kind regards
Till Silvio
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Hallo Till, wow this all sounds super cool! I will definitely get in touch with you because I have a project in the works that will require a bit of combat and I have no idea how to write it lol.
3 people like this
that's nice... love to keep you around. I may need you for a project ;)
2 people like this
That sounds awesome
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Thank you very much. I'd love to hear from you. Ryu Reeves would be a great name for a martial arts character ;-)