Hey there, Stage 32! I hope everyone is thriving!
For those who don't know me... I'm a lifelong showperson with a classical background, I'm an award-winning director and editor, I'm a film exec who's helped found four production companies, I've survived a shocking cross-section of our industry's most dangerous and destructive business practices, and I'm a screenwriter with more than 50 screenplays under my belt. Most of my writing these days is getting ghostwritten in my capacity as a script doctor - which means I'm not making big money per screenplay, but the percentage of my overall life's work that was actually paid is rapidly approaching 50%. I'm producing my debut feature, which is a sci-fi heist movie called Quantum Theory. I've got the script posted here on Stage 32, if anyone wants to read it and find out what we're up to: https://www.stage32.com/profile/543425/Screenplay/Quantum-Theory-2
I'm also working on an ambitious, yet scalable transmedia project for kids called Jump Rangers - a sci-fi adventure project - that's starting its life as a Patreon-fueled table-top roleplaying game. The overall feel of the world is very "Saturday Morning Cartoon," along the lines of "Star Wars meets Avatar: The Last Airbender." If anyone knows a concept designer who might be right for a project like this, please let me know. I'm looking to start paying for monthly visual development. My game system and worldbuilding were just reviewed by TTRPGKids, and it's an extremely flattering piece: https://www.ttrpgkids.com/2022/04/14/ttrpgkids-game-review-jump-rangers/
To find out more about Jump Rangers, check out the free corebook on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jumprangers
Finally, I blog every month here on Stage 32! My last blog was about how to negotiate situation-specific deals and accommodate "passion projects" and unusual career goals, without getting completely screwed by less scrupulous collaborators. At the bottom of the article, there's a list of links to all the previous articles I've written. Click here to check it out: https://www.stage32.com/blog/How-To-Make-Deals-in-Hollywood-without-Gett...
If anyone needs my help or wants to talk about a project, please feel free to reach out! I'm not working for free or for deferred pay, but I am happy to help folks find the tools and information they need in a forum post - where everyone in the community can benefit. Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, everybody!
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Hi, Tennyson. "Jump Rangers" sounds fantastic. Catchy title. Looking forward to your next blog.
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Thank you, Maurice Vaughan! It's already shaping up to be a LOT of fun!
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I always love to read your stuff on Stage 32, Tennyson! You are so productive, kind - and talented - it's just a matter of time before you make it big and I will be there waving to you when I see you on the red carpet!
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You're welcome, Tennyson.
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Tennyson Stead .... Roe needs to find the stick and remove it...(reading Quantum Theory)...I can testify (strong word) - Tennyson provides invaluable, soul shattering advice and direction. Those of us fortunate to receive his help, eventually see the rewards we seek, if we stick to his wisdom. Looking forward to seeing great things Tennyson. And oh, I may need a production in the future, or to set up one. Will seek you out when the day comes. Cheers and best to you Sir.
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Always great to see you, my friend. Keep on rockin'.
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Great stuff, Tennyson Stead! You're such a pillar of this community and I'm glad to see you here!
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Thank you, Richard "RB" Botto and Jason Mirch! I hope you guys are well!
Thank you for the kind words, Selma Karayalcin !
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Don't be too hard on Roe, Abdur Mohammed ! Trust me, she's the heart of the film. Nobody tries harder to get it right than she does, and it's because she cares more about doing the right thing than making friends. I bet you can relate!
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Hey Tennyson Stead yup, although Roe reminds me of Velma from Scooby Doo, at first, she is shaping up to be stellar. Brilliant, and who everyone needs, whether they know it or not. Cheers.