Introduce Yourself : Hello! Director looking to collaborate with writers and producers by Cory Johnson

Cory Johnson

Hello! Director looking to collaborate with writers and producers

Hello! I'm Cory Johnson a director from North Carolina. I love what stage 32 has done in bringing so many talented people together. I started my film career doing music videos and weddings. Now I'm looking to expand as I work towards features. I'm not the best or strongest writer so I want to collaborate with writers and producers to begin creating shorts or potentially even a feature. I hope someone has a few pieces of work that they are willing to share. Much love and Happy Easter!

Billy Kwack

Hi Cory, do you have any videos I can see?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Cory. Great to meet you. I live in NC. Maybe we can work together on a script in the future. Glad you're part of this community.

Alexandra Mattiace

Hi Cory! I would also love to see work samples

Kiran Vinodan

Hello Cory, I am working on a couple of short films and I would love to discuss with you in detail about the same. Would be great if you could help me get in touch with you. Thanks and Regards.

MB Stevens

Welcome Cory Johnson Always open to network. Onward and upward.

Anthony Gaither

Hello cory i am about to star on a script for a movie. get in touch with me maybe we can work together on it.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Welcome in this beautiful network!

James P Gleason

Hey Cory! I smell parallel interests! Short(s) before Feature(s). What kind of material draws you?

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