Hello! I'm Cory Johnson a director from North Carolina. I love what stage 32 has done in bringing so many talented people together. I started my film career doing music videos and weddings. Now I'm looking to expand as I work towards features. I'm not the best or strongest writer so I want to collaborate with writers and producers to begin creating shorts or potentially even a feature. I hope someone has a few pieces of work that they are willing to share. Much love and Happy Easter!
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Hi Cory, do you have any videos I can see?
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Hi, Cory. Great to meet you. I live in NC. Maybe we can work together on a script in the future. Glad you're part of this community.
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Hi Cory! I would also love to see work samples
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Hello Cory, I am working on a couple of short films and I would love to discuss with you in detail about the same. Would be great if you could help me get in touch with you. Thanks and Regards.
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Welcome Cory Johnson Always open to network. Onward and upward.
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Hello cory i am about to star on a script for a movie. get in touch with me maybe we can work together on it.
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Welcome in this beautiful network!
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Hey Cory! I smell parallel interests! Short(s) before Feature(s). What kind of material draws you?